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I smile at the prospect of what tomorrow will bring. After all the stuff that's happened these past couple days I'm happy to move on.

I'm happy to enjoy tomorrow afternoon with the person that's had an unnatural effect on me since we first met.

I had woken up a couple hours ago and am now lying on the couch bored. It's still another hour until I see Patrick, and it's honestly agonising. I feel as though time is passing at a snails pace.

In an attempt to pass time I've been binge watching Stranger Things, but it didn't really help. Caleb and Jack are currently out with mates, so I've been lonely. For once their company would've helped.

If only we had a pet or something. I really want a dog but Jack keeps saying not yet. It's beyond me why he hasn't got one by now. It's annoying too because he's legit an ambassador for Guide Dogs Victoria.

Finally it's 2:45 so I jump up from the couch and change into sporty clothes. I brush my hair before heading to the car.

Only now do I realise how erratically my heart is beating as I'm about to arrive at the park Patrick and I are meeting at. It pounds against my chest, threatening to break free. My hands are sticking to the wheel due to the sweat accumulating under my palms.

What the hell is wrong with me? I have never, ever been so nervous about seeing someone in my life. Usually my breathing would just increase, but not all this.

I park my car in an empty spot. I take out the keys and just sit there. I try and compose myself but I decide I need to get fresh air to do that. I exit the car, shutting the door and taking a whiff of the chilly Melbourne air. Instantly I feel the difference.

I walk towards a wooden bench in the distance and sit down, impatiently waiting for Patrick. I notice my knee is bouncing up and down, so I clamp my hand down to stop it from doing that. What is going on?

Suddenly I see this large brown and white, floppy-eared dog bounding towards me at high speeds. A huge wolffish grin is on it's face as it edges closer to me.

Before I know it he leaps up with his forelegs and begins to lick me. I laugh as he does so. He backs off a little and I have a look at his adorable face, petting his cheeks gently. "Aren't you just the cutest little pup ever." I smile as he tilts his head.

"RONNY! GET BACK HERE!" I hear someone yell.

I try and see who it is, but 'Ronny' is in the way, his bulky head glancing in the direction of the voice.

"Hey, look I'm so sor-" the voice runs short.

We make eye contact and immediately my eyes widen at who it is.

Standing there, right in front of me,
is Patrick. He's fighting a smile as he peers down at me. I can't help but let a smile form.

His eyes are glazed with guilt and regret, but the beauty they hold is unbelievable. I can read him like a book, and right now he's trying to hide the emotions that are torturing him inside. I best get this out the way now.

"I forgive you. You don't need to worry about what happened the other day anymore. I don't want your regret to eat away at you, I can't allow that to happen because I care too much. So please don't get all emotional on me Crippa, please know that I don't hold anything against you. You're still one of my best friends, someone as good as you could never lose that title."

I hadn't realised that while I'll was giving my little speech I had stood up and was now standing beside Patrick, softly rubbing his shoulder.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now