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I smile into my seat when I realise I'm seeing Patrick tomorrow.

There's personally no better way than to spend my day with him.

I wake up the next morning, rubbing my eyes tiredly. I groan as I sit up in bed, unhappy of waking up early. Why am I up early?

I suddenly spark awake when I realise I'm seeing Patrick in an hour.

No longer am I groggy, I'm wide awake. I launch myself out of my bed and at my drawer.

I get changed into a shirt and a warm hoodie as well as some shorts, throwing on pants over top. I chuck a towel and blanket in my backpack. I'm not entirely sure if I'll go in, but in case, for some stupid reason, I do go in I'm bringing a towel.

I quickly go downstairs, aware that the boys don't have training today. But I do know that Caleb is heading up to Noosa later today as it's the BYE round. I'll be sure to be back before he leaves for the airport.

I prepare some toast and quickly eat as I have to be in the car within 15 minutes. I charge up the stairs with speed, heading straight for the bathroom. I do my hair before grabbing my bag and going to the kitchen. I write a note for the boys.

Going out with Patrick. Will be back before Caleb heads off.
~ Audrey x

I leave it on the bench before hopping in my car and driving off.

I smile to myself as I approach Brighton Beach, hoping that today isn't awkward, but knowing that it will be enjoyable.

As I pull up into an empty carpark I look around for Patrick's car. I know he isn't here yet because his Space Grey Hyundai isn't parked anywhere.

I throw off my shoes and head out onto the sand. I take a seat just a little ways away from the carpark, admiring the waves crashing in and the seagulls fighting over scraps from the day before. I absorb the warmth from the sun as it shines down. I peer at the colourful bathing boxes that make this beach well known in Melbourne.

My attention is drawn away from the colours when I overhear a car door slamming shut. I turn to see a shirtless Patrick wearing Carlton shorts with a towel hugging his neck.

My eyes practically pop out of their sockets as they trace over his perfect abs. I try to pull my vision away from them, but they're glued on the spot.

"You like what you see?" Patrick smirks. I shake my head, attempting to snap out of my trance.

"No?" It comes out more like a question, but it sure doesn't sound convincing. He raises an eyebrow at me amused, slightly chuckling.

"You gonna come out with me, or stay here?" He asks.

It'll definitely be cold, but I could at the least give it a shot. I nod at him. His eyes widen in surprise as I scowl at his disbelief.

I jump up, taking off my pants and revealing the shorts underneath. A shiver runs down my spine, already becoming cold. Patrick approaches the water and I follow behind. I place my hoodie over my head.

As we reach the waters edge Patrick doesn't hesitate and walks straight in. I can see his shoulder muscles tensing from the sudden shock of the freezing water, but he doesn't back out and keeps treading forward.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now