forty eight

647 12 60

The words cause Caleb, Patrick and I to all dive into an emotional hug, clapping each other's backs in elation and sobbing hysterically. The smiles are painted permanently on our faces.

My sister isn't going anywhere.

(Patrick's POV)

I thought Audrey was going to die.

I thought I'd never get to tell her how much I love her.

I thought I'd never get to kiss her again.

I thought I would never get to see her again because of Sarah.

She was behind this crash, no doubts in my mind. How fucking homicidal could she be? To attempt to kill Audrey because of her own wrong-doing is fucked. It was on Sarah that she started dating Jack for fame and got caught out by Audrey. But for some twisted reason Sarah thought that dating me, whilst forcing me away from Auds and threatening her life would be the best way to get back at her. She's definitely going to jail for this.

But I do feel guilty. I was given a fair warning but somehow Sarah found out I told Audrey. Maybe if I had kept my mouth shut she wouldn't be in hospital and previously fighting for her life. I won't stop blaming myself for that. Her crash is partially on me.

The way Caleb described her trapped in the car caused a shiver to run down my spine and tears urging to fall. The pain he must've felt seeing her— as she's pretty much his own sister —would've be indescribable.

I might be going to see her now in a hospital bed, but that's nothing compared to seeing her crushed behind a steering wheel. Once again I cringe at the thought.

Currently Caleb, Jack and I are following the doctor to her room where's she's still receiving Jack's blood.

Unlike Jack and Caleb I haven't actually seen the condition she's in. They both know roughly what to expect, but I'm not prepared at all. I know immediately that I'm bound to start crying.

After a few minutes of us walking and me twiddling my fingers in nervousness we stop outside her room.

"She's currently in a coma and we're not too sure how long it'll last. But the transfusion is working and assisting her. At the point her body just needs time to repair itself," he explains. We all just nod, eager to get inside.

He opens the door and goes in first, then Jack, Caleb and myself. I don't even get into the room because I bump into Caleb who bumped into Jack as he just stopped. He obviously sees Audrey.

Caleb gives him a nudge, urging him to move forward. He takes slow steps out the way to let Caleb and I through. I don't mistake the loud intake of air sounding from Caleb in front of me. He just saw her state too. I'm next and I'm so not ready.

With a bit of courage I step out from the doorway and then cover my mouth instantly at Audrey on the hospital bed.

She looks sickly pale, her face as white as snow on the tip of a mountain. There are two separate bandages on her head; one covers the left part of her forehead and the other covers the right side of her head. Her arms are covered in bruises but I could only imagine the kind of damage her lower body has sustained. She also wears an oxygen mask.

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