fifty eight

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What Sarah did say to me was a punch in the gut, but I've got more important things to worry about. Like fully mending what has been lost because of her.

Especially with the one who I find my arms tied around.

I feel less of a weight on my shoulders knowing that Sarah is in custody now. She is no longer running around causing trouble.

Obviously I tried to not worry about her so I can live my life, but it does bring a comforting sense of relief to know she's been taken care of.

To be honest it kind of seemed like she wanted a confrontation between her and I before she was taken in by the police. I mean, turning up at Ikon Park was a pure give away. She's been in hiding since the accident and then she suddenly turns up at the club. It just feels like she wanted to bathe in my misfortune one last time before she was taken in. Either way she'll be sentenced accordingly by the law for my attempted murder. That thought alone makes a cold shiver shake my body to the bone.

Today it was planned that Jack, Caleb, Patrick and I would go out to a restaurant along the beach to 'celebrate.' I wasn't really up for the celebrating part, but I am up for the food that awaits. Caleb, Jack and I will meet Patrick there.

For some reason I had this urge to dress up in an attempt to look nice. Maybe it could be because Patrick will be there but I don't see why it would matter. Either way I just put on the plain black dress I wore to the B&F but don't bother to try mask Sarah's scratch from under my eye.

I hear Jack honk the horn so I exit my room just to see Caleb leaving his own. We make eye contact for a split second before I bolt down the stairs with the intention of snagging the passenger seat.

My dress flaps as I practically jump down the stairs. I hear Caleb chasing me like he's the fox and I'm the rabbit. No way I'm letting him get the passenger seat!

I know it's childish, but come on, there's nothing wrong with some friendly competition between Caleb and I. I mean, Jack would always spit the dummy if I won a game or something. But Caleb takes the piss which makes him more fun to compete with.

"The passenger seat is mine, Marchbank!" I yell out, leaping out the door and sprinting to the car which my brother waits in. He watches us whilst shaking his head disappointingly.

I'm just about to pull open the car door when two arms secure themselves around me. I'm lifted up, my arms flailing around like one of those inflatable people you see at car dealerships.

"Caleb!" I protest whilst kicking my legs wildly. He doesn't stop though.

I'm pretty much planted aside as Caleb quickly takes a seat in the passenger seat. I just glare at him when he puts his seatbelt on.

"Not this time, Silvagni," he chuckles, moving his pointer finger side to side in my face. I scowl at him before sitting in the back in defeat.

"The two children of the household," Jack says, rolling his eyes as I pout in the backseat.

"Shut up Jack," I grumble.

"Awww, has little Audrey spat the dummy now?" He teases, turning in his seat and reaches for my cheek. I slap him away harshly. Caleb and my brother just begin laughing.

It doesn't take long for us to arrive at the restaurant and it helps that we find a park relatively quick. We then head inside and are escorted to a table. It doesn't take long for me to spot Patrick walking in.

I hop up from my seat first, meeting him half way and giving him a hug. He smiles down at me when I pull away before getting bro hugs from Caleb and Jack. It definitely proves that everything is becoming back to what it was again.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now