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They're as soft as I remember and remind me of the countless kisses we've shared- that we haven't shared in months. I soak up his touch for a few moments before he moves away.

My smile remains plastered in my face until I drift off into sleep.

Today was finally the day I get released from this hellhole! I've been dying to get home and out of this place.

During the 2 weeks since waking up I managed to encourage Caleb, Jack and Patrick to go to preseason training— much to their dismay. I went all serious on them, threatening to move in with Leah and never speak to them again, even though I wouldn't do that. They decided that going to training was the way to go.

Whilst the boys were at training Leah and Sophie always stopped by to check on and keep me occupied. Teagan also visited whilst I was bedridden. She told me about some embarrassing things Caleb did around her and it was so funny to hear.

Zac stopped by in his free time as well as JB, Daniel, Josh and Steeley. They were great company to have when you couldn't do anything but rest.

I haven't really gotten the chance to ask Caleb, Jack or Patrick how they've been. I would've given them quite the scare whilst being in the coma. But I did notice that both Patrick and Caleb have this glazing of guilt in their eyes. It's always there and never seems to go away. It's like a fly that buzzes around and refuses to leave you alone.

The first time standing, let alone walking, was actually quite the struggle. My leg muscles were pretty weak and still a tad sore from the crash. It took a little while to walk by myself just because of how worn down my muscles were. Eventually I was able to get around on my own, but not without Caleb, Jack or Patrick constantly having their arms out to catch me. I started getting irritated by it so every time they held their hands out for me I slapped them. They learnt not to do it again after that.

Before I left I was given a cream to clean my gashes, but mainly my forming scar. I have to apply it every day for about a week and then lower it down from there. I also have to dress it too.

I've just received my last check up and got the all clear to head home. The excitement to eat my own food, be in my own bed and wash in my own shower is driving me out the door.

Jack is the one taking me home. Obviously both Caleb and Patrick wanted to but Teaguey didn't allow them to leave training. My brother told me that the pouty faces they pulled made the entire gym light up in laughter. I so wish I was there to witness it.

My brother and I walk side by side as we leave the building. He carries a bag full of my clothes that Caleb brought from home. I was incredibly grateful that he went to get them. I couldn't stand the gown.

The scent of flowers and the soothing warmth of the sun makes a smile tug at my lips. I'm finally free. I feel unstoppable whilst walking beside Jack and towards the car.

I'm so lucky to have the best brother ever. He's always had my back and I love him so much. I then am reminded of how he pretty much saved my life. I realise that in the two weeks since I've woken up that I haven't thanked him. Thanked him for giving me another chance.

"I don't think I've thanked you yet." I turn to Jack.

"Thanked me for what?" He asks confusingly, his head slightly tilted. I smile, looking at the floor shyly and in a little bit of embarrassment.

"You saved my life, remember that?" I chuckle in light humour. I hear him laugh too from above me.

"You're my sister and the person I have the closest connection with, I wasn't about to give up on you." The sincerity in his voice and the genuine smile that is directed at me and me only really causes my appreciation of him to flourish.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now