fifty four

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"I love you both too." I smile.

Being in the arms of these two is comforting, but there's only one pair missing from this moment.


(2 weeks later)

Hooting and howling travels from the downstairs hallway, up the stairs and directly into my room. It echoes obnoxiously in my ears which causes an annoyed and groggy groan to escape my lips.

I hug my pillow tighter— as if that would do anything about the loud chatter downstairs. I attempt to block out the noise but it's a futile move.

I grunt frustratingly as I pull myself from my slumber and away from the comfort of my soft mattress. Without thinking I stumble sleepily out of my room, opening my door roughly in annoyance.

I stomp down the stairs with a childish scowl on my face. I fail to realise that decorations which brighten up the house as I make a B-line for my brother. He's located in the kitchen.

Ever since I told him about Sarah causing my crash he's been on the lookout. He hasn't gone searching for his ex-girlfriend after I pleaded with him and Caleb not too. They both listened and I'm grateful for it. I can tell they're very nervous about my safety, but I keep telling them that I'll be fine even though I question that a bit myself.

I charge towards Jack, my face proving I'm on a mission. His back is facing me and when I reach him I just stand there. Slowly he turns around, peering down at my angered face.

"Why is it so loud! I'm trying to sleep! Why are you up so early!?" I shout at him. I don't really mean to sound so rude, but being woken up so early gets me pissed.

My brother bites his lip to prevent a smile. I scowl at his confusing amusement.

"Audrey, it's 12:00... in the afternoon," my brother chuckles as Caleb pokes his head around the corner and starts laughing at me. Only then am I aware that a bunch of people are in the room with me. Players from the club as well as my own friends are here.

The Christmas party!

I totally forgot that we were having it today! And I totally missed the beginning!

I become completely flushed as I smile with obviously embarrassment. I wave everyone off before trying to escape, but that plan is stopped when Jack grabs my arm. He smiles cheekily down at me.

"Why don't you stay down here? I'm sure everyone would enjoy your messy hair and pyjamas." He winks and in response I tug my arm free of his grip, staring sharp daggers at my sibling. I turn towards the crowd that all hold back their laughs.

"Carry on." I shy away upstairs as laughter erupts within the room.


About half an hour after totally embarrassing myself I finally look presentable enough to go downstairs again. I still feel extremely embarrassed, but I have to get over it so I can enjoy today as much as possible.

Many of the people invited haven't seen me since before my crash and have been eager to see how I'm going. But to be entirely honest I've been doing fine.

The cream that I received on the way out of the hospital is almost all gone which is good progress. I still have to be cautious of what I do as recovery from a near death experience lasts awhile.

I realise that I didn't see Patrick when I first came down, but now I see him in the corner talking to my brother.

My brother?!

I haven't seen them speaking for who knows how long. They've probably spoken whilst I was in a coma or after. I don't even know, but I do know I was unaware of it for sure.

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