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We're unstoppable together. I guess Craudrey is indeed end game and that no force on this earth could ever come between us ever again.

With his head atop of mine, my arms secured around his neck, we stay there, with the intent of spending the rest of our lives together.

(8 years later)

"Mummy, there's daddy!" My firstborn Maya giggles out excitedly when Patrick runs out onto the field and comes our way.

"It sure is, sweetie," I tell my little girl, kissing her on the cheek.

Patrick and I ended up getting married and not long after I gave birth to my first child Maya Jo Cripps. Patrick took a liking to the name Maya whilst I chose my mum's name as Maya's middle name to honour her. She's now 2 years old and is a huge light in our lives. Maya has already taken in a love for footy. From day one she's been sleeping with a plush Carlton footy.

In 4 months time she will have a little brother who she can play and share her love of footy with. I just hope they'll get along.

Tonight is Patrick's last game for the Carlton Football Club before he retires. He wanted to run through the banner with Maya and enjoy the moment as much as possible. I would join him, but I'm 5 months pregnant so it wouldn't be the best idea.

The roar is loud and emotional when all the boys come out. Patrick jogs over before giving me a loving kiss on the lips. He then takes Maya from my arms, giving her an affectionate kiss on her forehead. She giggles in response.

"There's uncle Jack and Caleb!" Maya squeals in elation as she points at them.

My brother walks up to me, a smile on his face before planting a kiss on my cheek. Caleb approaches as well, smiling like the idiot he is and kissing my cheek too. I return the gesture to my boys.

Jack and Caleb then greet Maya and tease her with their fingers to which she giggles at them both.

I smile at the scene before me, feeling my heart flutter at how lucky I am. I'm not sure what I did to earn such a beautiful family of those boys and my little baby girl. I'm definitely the luckiest girl on earth.

Just before the boys run through the banner Patrick looks back at me with our girl in his arms. He sends me his iconic and remarkable smile that no one else can give.

I now realise that ever since the day we first met he allowed me to experience something different.

Something New.

60 chapters later and that concludes the story of Audrey and Patrick!

My first ever book is now complete and honestly I'm emotional. Just dedicating so much time to something really gets you attached. Something New has sure taught me so much over the past 10 months.

I went through some ups and downs with this book, but in the end it's been super enjoyable!

My next book 'Past Ties' is going to be a prequel to Something New which focuses on Jack and Audrey. A release date is undecided as I'm only in the very early stages of writing. Can't wait to start sharing another book with you all soon!

I just wanted to personally thank emma21231293 for the endless support. Definitely couldn't have stayed motivated without you commenting all the time! You're incredible! Thank you❤️

Thank you to everyone else for the support; all the comments & votes are truly appreciated! Couldn't have gotten this far without you all!

So for the final time in this book, hope you all enjoyed!

Cheers and see you soon!

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