fifty six

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And I know for a fact that I need Patrick in my life, there's no point denying it. I can be who I'm meant to be around around him and he's the same.

But as Leah said, "Craudrey is endgame!" and I cant help but think that's true.

Days had passed since the mistletoe incident and I found myself sitting on the sand at Brighton Beach as the sun drifts down towards the horizon.

I wanted to spend some time out of the house and what better place than this beach. It holds many memories and I felt compelled to be here, maybe it's because of the accident and how I almost lost everything.

I remember the time where Patrick and I sat in this exact spot. The memory plays vividly in my mind.

"I don't need it anymore, I'm warm now." I try persuade him. But he just looks straight through me, shaking his head again. He's silently begging me to keep the blanket on, but I refuse.

"Fine, since you're making it hard." I roll my eyes. I don't even think about what I'm doing, I just act upon it.

I slide in beside him, throwing the blanket over our shoulders. I only then realise that I'm straight up pressed against the side of his body, our shoulders and hips touching, our legs brushing.

I can feel his muscles tense at our sudden contact. A tint of pink makes it's way onto my cheeks, registering what I've just done. We sit there in silence, not saying a word.

Instead of my lips being pulled down because I'm yearning for it— which I am —they've actually been pulled up in a smile. There's no sadness, just joy in the fact I got to have those moments with him. I wish I treasured them more while the lasted, but to have the memory alone is comforting.

Our contact made me feel so safe and protected by him. I now feel this vulnerability without him by my side and I hope that it can be mended soon.

My hand runs along the sand, the grains weaving through my fingers. It's soft and distracting as the setting sun casts an orange hue on everything it can touch.

The atmosphere is calming, the waves a rhythm I can admire and enjoy. There is no one else around until I see someone in the corner of my eye.

My attention is drawn to a figure who walks through the sand, his shadow following him with every approaching step. He's coming towards me, his eyes lit up with the iconic and unmistakable blue.


The orange hue makes his hair look even more blonde; practically golden. His toned muscles stand out in this light, reminding me of the times they'd be wrapped around me. He looks so happy, so perfect, in this moment. I notice that all his happiness is directed at me, because for the seconds that he hadn't spotted me sitting there his lips were in a straight line, but now I can see his white teeth shining at me.

I'm a little shocked because I wasn't expecting him to be here right now, but the majority of what I'm feeling is excitement with slight nervousness. Who knows where this conversation might go.

Before I can say anything he speaks up first.

"Jack said you'd be here," he says, looking at me briefly for a reaction. I just smile towards him, patting the spot beside me. He sits. The mistletoe incident is not bothering me at this moment and it seems the same way for him.

"And that answers my question," I chuckle lightly.

"What pushed you to come here?" Patrick asks.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now