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PUBLISHED: July 13th, 2019
EDITED: October 14th, 2021

The drive home felt like it dragged on for a considerable amount of time. Maybe it's because I just wanted to message Patrick already.

What's got into me? I've never been so interested in a guy but ever since meeting him I've become real nervous. It's annoying. Why must I get so nervous around Patrick?

Jack and Caleb are dead to the world when I drive into the empty spot in the garage. I remove the keys from the ignition and sit there, hands in my lap. I'm left unsure on how I'm going to get these two idiots up and out of the car. Suddenly an idea pops into my head and I grin evilly.

I adjust the position I'm sitting in, leaning back all the way into the drivers seat. Next I slam my hand onto the leather wheel, forcefully pressing on the horn as hard as possible. The sound of the horn beeping is deafening within the confines of the garage, echoing off the walls around us. It takes all my will not to let go and shield my ears.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see my brother and Caleb jerk up in shock, heads whipping around and arms flailing to their ears. I release the horn.

I direct my gaze at their wide eyed and shocked faces. Instantaneous laugher overcomes me whilst I absorb their frightened expressions as they morph into annoyance. This doesn't help though as I continue to clutch my stomach as the pain increases.

Finally I gather myself, sucking in a deep breath to get the oxygen I lost back into my lungs. Their faces are void of any emotion now so I grab the keys and hop out the car without a word. I bite the back of my hand to stop snickering. I then unlock the door to get inside and walk in. I hear two sets of car doors shutting.

I'm about to click the button to lock the car when I'm throw over someone's shoulder, the keys hitting the floor with a clang. Strong, muscular arms grip around my waist as my hair sways in front of my face. I writhe wildly to get loose from whoever is holding me. I attempt to pound their back with my fists as harshly as I can muster.

"Let me go!" I scream, trying to contain my laughter but also sound annoyed at the same time. I continue to beat the person—who I'm yet to figure out who it is.

"This is punishment!" The voice of my brother sounds. Oh fuck. I know exactly what he's going to do.

At least he sounds awake, I snigger mentally.

I desperately look up at Caleb for assistance but he just stands there with a stupid smirk and a thumbs up. Well fuck you too.

I'm chucked onto the couch with a thud. I groan but laugh just the same. Suddenly Jack's hands come down on the sides of my stomach as he starts to tickle me. I scream 'stop' who knows how many times but he continues to go at it even with my harsh kicks and cries.

I whimper and laugh and hurl half-hearted insults at my brother as he relentlessly tickles me. Make it stop!

Finally, after what feels like ages, he backs off with a victorious smirk making up his smug expression. I snort angrily, breathing heavily from the screaming and kicking. I melt into the couch, relaxing after a long day. I feel like dozing off right here and now but I'm shaken awake by the realisation of the number in my pocket.

The paper is still hidden within my hoodie; I'm surprised that Jack didn't feel it while tickling me. I hoist myself from the couch with a new found energy, racing out of the room. I can feel the questioning stares from Caleb and Jack but I ignore them.

I climb the stairs in twos before diving into my room and onto my bed, not bothering to shut my door. I pull my phone from my pocket alongside the paper. I eagerly put in a new contact number—Patrick's number. I call him and he picks up within three rings.

"Hi!" I greet enthusiastically.

"Audrey?" Patrick questions with a touch of uncertainty.

"Who else would it be?" I deadpan, rolling my eyes a little.

"Haha true! How's it going?" He asks happily, seeming just as excited as I am.

I groan when I think about what occurred when I got home—it still hurts too. I can feel him throwing questions through the phone.

"Pretty much I had to drive home and when we arrived the boys were fast asleep. So I came up with the solution to beep the horn but it resulted in a painful tickling from Jack. Caleb just watched and didn't help me," I grumble, resentful for Caleb's utter betrayal.

Patrick cracks up on the other side of the phone. I scowl. "I guess that's what you get for scaring them. I wouldn't be very happy either if I was woken up by a car horn. Call it karma."

I chuckle. "You're probably right. Karma is indeed a bitch."

"She sure is and aren't I always right?" He's definitely smirking.

"Talk it up." I roll my eyes, taking a sip of water from the glass on my bedside table.

"What? So I was wrong when I caught you staring at me in the rooms?"

The liquid gets caught in my airway and comes straight back out, spraying across the room. His unanticipated comment really caught me unaware.

Through the phone he's losing it as he laughs uncontrollably. I wipe my face with a tissue, removing the water dribbling down my chin. I attempt to dry my bed covers as well. Patrick is still laughing but it sounds more like coughing now.

"Calm down Patrick! Carlton still needs a captain! Stay with me!" I cry and it echoes throughout the house. Caleb and Jack probably think I'm insane.

Finally Patrick collects himself. "I'm all good, everything's good."

"Sure." I shrug to myself.

"But anyway, about the stari—" I cut him off, annoyed.

"I swear if you mention it one more time I'm deleting this number," I threaten with a seriousness enough to be believable. He instantly replies.

"No! Don't do that!" He begs, his voice rising slightly in volume.

"Why not?" I question, somewhat curious now that he seems so against me deleting his number.

"Uh... no reason." I raise my eyebrow, not that he can see me anyway.

Before I can stop it my mouth widens in a tired yawn. Patrick hears it.

"You tired?" He asks. I can tell he's relieved because the conversation has taken another course.

"Yep." I yawn again.

"Go to bed," Patrick suggests.

"I will. I've definitely reached my mental capacity of staying awake."

"I think I'm starting to feel it too. I'll see you at training in two days?" He asks eagerly—hopeful.

I smile genuinely. "Definitely. Goodnight Crippa."

"Goodnight Auds," Patrick responds quietly, a smile in his tone—you can tell.

I end the call, still grinning like an idiot.

I yawn, my exhaustion catching up to me. I slip the covers over myself, not bothering to get up and shut the door. I put my phone on the bedside table and close my eyes. I process one more thought before I slip into darkness.

Is there something going on between Patrick Cripps and I?


Bit of a boring chapter but will get interesting soon. ;)

Cheers guys!

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