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You know what, screw it. I'm going out there no matter how cold it is.

Little did I know how big of a move that would be.

Patrick is unaware that I'm following him as I clutch my hoodie. Stepping into the water isn't as bad as Melbourne, but it is barely bearable though.

The waves collide with my legs, making me shiver. But I solider on, nearly reaching Patrick. He twists around, stumbling back a little in shock, not expecting me to be right there.

I laugh loudly at his reaction. "Calm down, it's just me." He rolls his eyes.

"You heading home tonight or nah?" I ask.

"I'll probably catch a later flight than the boys, but I should be outta here by tonight. You?"

What am I doing actually? I was planning to catch the same flight as the Blues, but now that I'm doing recovery with Patrick I probably can't now.

"Umm, I'll probably catch a later flight with you. I was going to catch the same flight as the guys, but plans have been altered." He nods understandably.

We both scan the horizon, observing the oranges, pinks and reds that paint the sky. The water is lit up, glowing with those same warm colours. The strength of the setting sun keeps me warm, just enough to not freeze.

I close my eyes, comfortably enjoying the slight breeze that threads through my hair, making it flow in waves. The air freshens me up, the cool gust of wind spreading across my face.

I open my eyes, turning right to Patrick who stands right beside me. His face is illuminated a soft orange, but his features are shaped into clear nervousness and uneasiness.

His hands are trembling the slightest bit as they clench and unclench. His legs wobble partially like they'll collapse beneath him. The look he wears has his eyebrows somewhat furrowed and his teeth biting his bottom lip, eyes locked on the water ahead.

I survey the ocean to see if he's spotted something, but as I look intently I can't seem to identify anything of worry. I'm about to turn back and ask if he's okay, but I don't have to.

Patrick's right hand cups my cheek, guiding my vision to his mesmerising blue eyes. They shine with wonder and admiration, but also uncertainty as we become lost in each other's eyes. He's determined, but to do what? Only then do I realise when his eyes glance down to my lips.

My breath hitches in my throat when he leans forward, but my body seems to be following a lure that pulls me closer to him. I don't have control anymore, I just go with it.

Time passes in slow motion, our grasp on reality floating away like driftwood on the ocean. We're lost in a bubble of time and space, no longer aware of our surroundings and the world spinning around us. The gap between our lips is minor, but its truly killing me.

The anticipation is growing, eating away at us hungrily. It's getting harder and harder to deny. Why haven't I realised this feeling, this hunger before? That I so desperately have wanted this moment. That I'm craving him more than ever now. But it doesn't matter, because I can't take this anymore. I've missed what's right in front of my eyes for long enough, it's time to end it.

Closing my eyes, I tip forward, finishing the distance once and for all.

Our lips collide gently, sending sparks through my body. We smile into the kiss. A slow yet passionate kiss is shared between us. A tiny laugh escapes my lips out of joy, savouring this moment.

The moment is nothing like I've ever imagined; it's more. The way Patrick's hands hold both my cheeks delicately is indescribable. How my own hands are pressed on top of his so perfectly. The warmth radiating off the two of us as we continue to kiss.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now