forty nine

636 12 72

Caleb and I hold each other for dear life as we remain crying until the early morning sun rises. We release our anguish and torment in the only way we know how for the girl that has brightened our lives to a huge extent.

We cry for Audrey in a gesture of self-blame and forgiveness, hoping that somehow, and in some way, that she won't hate us for this.

(Two weeks later & Audrey's POV)

The first thing I feel is the searing pain in my left side. It burns like a hot iron is being pressed against my lower ribs and won't be removed. It's a sickening feeling and I want to throw up because of how bad it is.

My head throbs slightly and every limb aches. I see light through my eyelids and am desperate to reach it. I've been swallowed by darkness for far too long. I don't even know if I'm alive though, I could be dreaming. I don't want to be dreaming.

Haunting memories start to flood into brain like a river of trauma. I vividly witness the terrifying last moments before I blacked out. It replays in my head.

Just as I press down on my accelerator it's like lightning flashes before my eyes. The road appears and then disappears ahead of me. I'm disoriented by the constant flashing of blinding light that allows control to fall out of my grasp.

I feel the wheel slip from my hands as the tyres lose grip with the tarmac. The glue that kept me safe has just be unstuck whilst I live in my worst nightmare.

The car swerves violently to the left and I witness it veer towards the looming tree line along the quiet roadside.

The high beams of light still flash behind me and only momentarily do I watch my unfortunate fate unfold. All too familiar to my own mother's.

I try to locate the steering wheel so I can take back control, but the leather is not there. I can't find it.

My foot is in a wild frenzy trying to desperately find the brake before it's too late.

I can't find it either. I know I'm dead.

Another flash reveals a large and dominant oak that I'm barreling towards.

Pictures of what I could only imagine how my mum's death unfolded play out in the final moments of my life.

I don't have enough time to scream when the final flash shows the oak right in front of my face.

I gasp out like I've finally reached the surface, the impact that I pictured in my head causing time to start up again. Air funnels down my throat and brings me such relief. It sends a wave of pain crashing into my side though.

I blink several times, rapidly trying to adjust to the lighting. Fear instantly engulfs my body as I realise I'm in an unfamiliar environment through my blurry vision.

Everything is white and hurts to look at. The smell of medical alcohol and recently polished floors burns my nostrils. My eyes sting when I rub them, and in doing so I see a bandage around my right forearm. Everything comes out clearer now.

Instantly I figure out I'm in a hospital and on a bed with tubes coming out my arms. I try not to cringe on how uncomfortable I feel. I'm so stiff and I don't like it. That's when I panic.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now