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I come face to face with an unimpressed Jack, who looks to be slightly fuming.

"Where have you been?!"

I wince at the tone of his voice, and how loud it is too.

"I was just out at the park going for a walk."

"You weren't alone, were you?" His voice is lower now, but definitely strained.

"Uh... yes.." he narrows his eyes before taking out his phone and shoving it in my face. My eyes widen as I take in what it is.

Right in front of me, on Jack's phone, is a photo of Patrick and I. We're smiling at each other with my hand placed on his shoulder. Ronny is sitting below us, ball in mouth with a slight head tilt. Where did he get this?!

I'm about to ask when he cuts me off. "Zac Fisher sent it to me."

"I..." is all I can muster.

"Is there something going on between you and Crippa?"

His question renders me paralysed. I don't know how to react because I barely know if that's true myself. Is there something going on between us? It should be obvious, but it's like there's a mask covering the truth.

Before I can cough up a lie the door bangs open. Laughter follows as I look over my shoulder at the commotion. Jack takes a glance too.

I see Caleb and some other guy walk through the door. The guy is slightly shorter than Caleb. He has brown hair, his eyes are a rich hazel and he possesses a sturdy build. It isn't hard to tell he's a footballer too. He is cute, but not as cute as Patrick.


Caleb's spots us. "Hey guys!" I send him a confused look, wondering who the guy is that's in our house. He seems to realise who my look is referring to as he glances down at the guy.

"This is Jack Steele. He is one of my best mates from back at GWS. He moved to Melbourne after being traded to St Kilda." 'Jack Steele' directs a kindhearted smile at me before walking over.

"It's nice to meet you Audrey, you can call me Steeley. Caleb has told me a lot about you by the way." He shakes my hand firmly, the smile never leaving his face. I return the smile, but gaze at Caleb in a threatening way as if to say 'you better not have said anything bad about me.'

My brother shakes Steeley's hand too. "You're a lot better off the field than on it Steeley." My brother laughs, so does Steeley and Caleb. I just stand there awkwardly, not knowing what they're inferring to.

Steeley notices my confusion and speaks up. "I'm known as 'The Backpack' by my teammates at St Kilda because I'm usually assigned to tag players."

"Not to mention he's great at it. Crippa gets the shits when we play St Kilda because he knows he won't be able to get away from Steeley." Caleb cuts in.

The image of Patrick getting pissed at Steeley makes me snigger. I can image him losing his head if he can't get the ball because Steeley is already laying a tackle on him.

"Ohhhhh", is all I say.

"Anyway, let's go and watch some TV on the couch." Caleb announces. He leads Steeley to the living room, I decide to follow, wanting to dismiss the conversation I was having with my brother. As I pass him he eyes me off, secretly saying 'we're continuing this conversation later.' I mentally groan.

My mind ponders as I think about the photo I saw on Jack's phone. He said Zac Fisher took it, but why was he at that park anyway? Was it by coincidence that he spotted us and purposely took a photo to show Jack? But what doesn't make sense is why Jack would care?

He's obviously been a real loving brother, always has my back and is there for me, but he isn't one to worry about who I hang out with. I guess he's still edgy about me because of how I'm coping in Melbourne for the first time in years.

But I don't want him to be looking over my shoulder. I want to feel like I can do anything without him judging and acting like the protective brother he is. I want him to have trust in me, and I'm starting to question that.

I stare blankly at the TV, not really watching it to the point I don't understand what's going on. My attention turns to Jack when he pokes my shoulder, gesturing for me to follow. I sigh before dragging myself off the couch. I must've been thinking for a good long while.

We walk to the front door before he opens the it and holds it for me to exit. I walk outside before the door shuts behind him. I mentally prepare myself for the spray I'll get. But I'm surprised when he speaks.

"You were probably wondering why I seemed so pissed when you got home. No, it wasn't really about Patrick, it was mainly me worrying about you. I've been trying to stay off your back as much as possible; I don't want to be watching your every move. It was just that I know the pain you suffered after mum's passing, and coming back to Melbourne was a big step to make. When I didn't receive a text from you saying that you're going out I thought you had made a radical decision. That's all my mind could process." He pauses, taking in a breath before continuing.

"And about Patrick, well, I'm still trying to wrap my head around him and you. I'm not sure if you have something for him or not, and if there is actually truly something happening with you two. But I want you to do what makes you happy; I can't hold you back from making big life decisions. He's a good bloke, and I trust him that he can make you happy. So yeah, I just needed to tell you that."

I just stare at him, unsure of what to do or say after hearing that. I truly appreciate what he said, I know that for sure. But responding I seem to be unable to do. I think of another option and go for it.

I launch my body at him, embracing him like my life depends on it. What did I do to deserve him as a brother? I guess I'll never know. But I am grateful to have him, and I always will be.

He hugs me back, leaving a heartfelt kiss on top of my head. I smile against his chest, treasuring this brother and sister moment. I don't want to let go until the door swings open, nearly hitting us. Out come Steeley and Caleb.

They notice us and seem a bit unprepared, not really expecting us two to be out here.

"Sorry to ruin your little sibling moment." Caleb sniggers a little.

"Thanks Caleb." Jack punches his arm, rolling his eyes. Caleb narrows his own eyes at Jack threateningly.

"Well, it was nice to finally meet you two. Definitely need to see you guys more often. Oh, and Audrey, my girlfriend Taylah would love to meet you. I reckon you two will get along great." Steeley smiles down at me.

"That sounds amazing. Be sure to tell her we have to organise something soon." I reply, a wide smile on my face. Steeley nods.

"Well, see you soon brother." Caleb claps Steeley's shoulder and Jack shakes his hand. He sends a wave before approaching his car and driving off.

Caleb, Jack and I just stand there. Caleb then places each hand on either of our shoulders.

"It's been a pretty good day." He declares. I chuckle, as does Jack.

"It has." I reply before we walk into the warmth of our home.
A bit of a filler chapter for you all.

Craudrey is slowly on the rise, I'll tell you that!

Hope you enjoyed!


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