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"I don't know. What would you do without me Crippa?" We both chuckle.

We stand there together, enjoying each other's company in silence.

(2 weeks later)

It's been 2 weeks since the Perth win.

Patrick and I have been talking regularly over text and call, as well as seeing each other at Carlton training. It's been different though.

I'm uncertain to what it is, but I reckon we've become a lot closer during the 2 weeks. Patrick and I have always been close, but it's escalated a lot.

Jack and I's fight is still ongoing. All that is different is that we can make eye contact now, which isn't much of an achievement. He's almost always with Sarah now, not bothering to spend time with even Caleb.

Sarah has gotten worse too. Her thirst for fame is extremely high. It's increasing to an unreadable level. She's been bathing in the new found attention of being Jack's girlfriend. But I've noticed that she cares less about him, and more about the cameras now. She barely even acknowledges my brother, but somehow he doesn't notice.

Caleb has been good, despite little to no interaction with Jack. There's a spark in his eye now. He's always been cheerful, but by the way he smiles and the look in his eyes I can tell something is different. A good different. He deserves to be happy. Actually happy.

Currently I'm sitting at Sydney International Airport waiting for my bag to come out. The Blues play at the SCG this weekend, so I decided why not support Patrick and Caleb, and I guess my brother.

Caleb was able to book me a room in the same hotel the boys are staying at. Not that it really matters though.

Finally I grab my bag and exit the airport, calling in a cab to the hotel. During the drive I can't help but smile at when I found out Patrick was playing.

I recall that it was after training and he walked straight up with me, a pout on his face. I feared the worst, but as soon as he told me he was playing I leapt into his arms, wrapping my legs around his torso. I was that happy for him.

It was a pure moment and I loved it. The smile that gleamed on his face was contagious, but yet again his smile always has that effect.

As I arrive at the hotel I'm aware Carlton isn't here yet. I took an earlier flight, but I know they'll be here soon.

I spend the rest of my day up in the room. But I swear I can hear the guys stuffing around below me. I want to see Patrick, but I don't think he's allowed.

I just end up texting him and Caleb for the rest of the night before falling asleep.

(Next Day)

It's a big day against the Swans. Any game could mean another win, and today we have a chance.

I'm already at the ground, prepped for what's to come. Well, that's what I thought.

Patrick leads the boys out, bringing an automatic smile to my face. I can't describe how it feels to see him run out, looking fresh and ready for anything. He looks free and in his element.

The game begins not long after. Only the start of an intense battle to come.


Once again the Blues snag another close win. They just get over the line, but the smile on Patrick's face is priceless.

I head down to the rooms like I usually do. I was a bit late for the song because of all the people trying to get out.

I wasn't too happy about that, but who cares because as soon as I enter the rooms Patrick throws himself at me. He squeezes the absolute life out of me as I snuggle into his chest. He grips the back of my head as I hold his guernsey.

"What a game! It's good to be back!" He exclaims. I grin happily into his warmth.

"So glad to see you back out there Crippa." I swear he kisses the top on my head, but I'm not entirely sure.

We back off from each other. Patrick seems a little nervous as he rubs the back of his neck. I raise an eyebrow at him just before he speaks.

"Um, I'm wondering whether or not you wanted to come to Bondi with me? I need to do recovery and, uh, yeah." I snigger at his awkwardness.

"Of course I'll go. You don't even need to ask." I reply, teasing him with a light whack from the back of my hand. He laughs.

"If you say so Auds."

"When would we go?" I question. He pauses in thought before answering.

"We could go now if you want."

"Sounds good!" At least I know I'm 100% not prepared to go in the water.

"I'll just grab my stuff and then we'll catch an Uber." I send him a thumbs up as he goes to retrieve his gear.

My eyes wander around the room, but not before 'surprisingly' landing on my brother. He's chatting with Zac Fisher while Sarah is hunting for attention from the media.

The feeling that someone's watching seems to slither up on him as he makes eye contact with me. Something in his eyes tell me that he's sick of this distance, but I don't have it in me to act like nothing is happening between us. That he isn't dating some bitch who doesn't care about his feelings.

I want it to be over, but I just can't allow him to think it's okay to date Sarah, and or after what he's said to me. I love him, yes, but I'm never going to accept Sarah, and he'll have to realise that she's not right for him too. But unfortunately he has to learn that on his own.

I sigh, turning my back on him just as Patrick walks up, training bag in hand.

"Ready to go?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." I say, exiting the room and making our way outside the stadium.

Patrick calls up an Uber which arrives within 5 minutes. We hop in the backseat together.

During the 15 minute trip there I notice that Patrick's hand is closing in on mine, but he doesn't dare to move it from the current position. I hide a smile. He's so adorable.

His knee is bouncing while his hand slightly shivers. The temptation is growing unbearable, so I just take his warm hand in mine, lacing our fingers together.

He falters at the contact, but relaxes into it. His hand is gentle within my own, welcoming and soothing. His thumb rubs against the back of my hand, calming me.

The trip is soon over. We hop out and the car and tread down the pavilion to the sand of the iconic Bondi Beach. I grasp his hand within mine again, no hesitation at all. I see him smiling out the corner of my eye.

The sun is slowly setting, reflecting across the water as waves crash against the shore. Patrick throws his bag down, peeling off his training guernsey. I'm taken aback as I look towards the streets and away from him.

"I didn't think my body was that bad", Patrick chuckles.

"I-it's not that. I-I just didn't ex-expect you to do that", I stutter, making a fool out of myself.

"If you say so." I hear the movement of sand, drawing my attention to Patrick who proceeds towards the waters edge. Part of me has the desire to go out there with him, to be close by his side.

I'm yearning for his touch, his familiar warmth that never fails to shelter me from the outside world. How his smile makes me forget about everything previously on my mind. Something as simple as speaking to him results in me becoming lost, blocking out the surrounding sounds circling in the air.

You know what, screw it. I'm going out there no matter how cold it is.

Little did I know how big of a move that would be.

Who doesn't love cliffhangers am I right?😂🤷‍♀️

It was about time I did one again and I'm so sorry! Trust me, you'll be hooked in even more with what happens next!

Hope you all enjoyed!


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