thirty six

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When I think I get away from everybody and I unexpectedly smack into a hard wall.

Or so I thought.

In a sense it's like slamming into a freight train speeding down the tracks. I don't expect it whatsoever and I'm stunned.

I stumble backwards, but am quickly caught by someone's hand grabbing my wrist. They have a strong grip on me.

I open my eyes only to be pierced by stunning crystal blue ones. A flashback swims into my brain as we stay locked in each other's eyes.

I become lost in my thoughts that I don't register where I'm going until I round the corner and smack into a 'stone wall'. I can feel my body being flung backward by the force, so I brace for the impact. But it never comes.

That's when I feel warmth around my wrist. Realising my eyes are sealed shut I reopen them slowly, only to find those gorgeous crystal blue eyes again. I become lost in them.

He releases my wrist almost instantly as if he's just touched acid, so I quickly steady myself. We don't say anything but stare at one another's panicked expressions.

Up close he looks ever worse. The bags under his eyes are so heavy and obvious. He usually looks strong, but he seems extremely exhausted. It's as if he's been up all night thinking and regretting.

My heart breaks inside my chest. He is broken, but so am I. The emptiness. The pain. The feeling of loneliness is something we both feel and casts a dull shine in our eyes.

From behind our walls of strength and resilience is the want to be with each other. But the truth to why we were separated hangs in the air. It circles around us like vultures, preventing any movements to get closer.

"Audrey," He croaks out suddenly.

I close my eyes at the sound of my name, but all I can think about is him kissing Sarah. It's a raw and undeniable feeling of agony stabbing me like a knife.

He steps closer, but I back up. A look of hurt makes it's way onto his face.

"Audrey?" He says again. The sound of his voice stings me. It hurts hearing him say it so emotionally.

"Why did you do it?" I suddenly ask.

I look up at him, tears streaming down my face. He's taken aback by my comment and the waterfall that leaks from my eyes.

"I swear I have a reason for kissing her Auds. I love you so much, I always have and that hasn't changed," he responds guiltily.

"What's the reason then? You say you care and love me, yet you go behind my back, expecting me not to find out, and kiss the bitch who took my brother away from me for fame?" I cry out, tears cascading down my cheeks.

"That's the thing! I can't tell you!" He says sadly but desperately.

"Why?! Why can't you tell me Patrick!" I yell. I don't even care that I just said his name.

"Because I can't! I just can't Audrey! I wish I could tell you but I just can't!" He screams at me sadly.

I sigh defeated. I turn away, crying my heart out for him— for everything we once shared that has been snatched away.

He keeps saying he has a reason for kissing her, but he won't tell me. Why won't he tell me? It hurts. It's like rubbing salt in the wound.

Firstly he kisses Sarah, then plans to hide it from me, and now he won't even tell me why he did it. I just don't understand.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now