twenty nine

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"Love you Audrey." He says softly like a lullaby begging me to sleep. It doesn't take long to find me either.

"Love you too Crippa." I tell him before sleep consumes me.

Light seeps through my eyelids as the day finds me awake. I yawn tiredly, the morning sun trickling into the room. Shedding myself of the remaining glimpses of a dream, my eyes are still shut as I soak in the warmth of the covers- but as well as the warm body I'm pressed against.

I'm heavily aware that Patrick's bicep is grasped by both my arms as I hold it like a life line. My head rests on his broad shoulder comfortably as his temple rests on my hair. I can feel short outtakes of air emitting from him while he sleeps.

I stay frozen for a couple minutes, hoping and praying that I wouldn't have the guilt by waking him up, that he would rouse at his own accord. But I need to go to the bathroom desperately now and I can't wait any longer.

Delicately I unwound my arms from Patrick's bicep, but the main problem is his head is resting on my hair and if I move it'll snap down and jolt him awake.

Slowly I remove my head and replace it with a pillow. Only then do I look at his relaxed, sleeping face. His mouth is slightly gaped open and is actually adorable, but then I glance upwards to his hair.

I choke on a laugh, attempting not to wake him. I look away, trying to ease the temptation, but I fail and look anyway.

I can't take it, I crack up at his messy hair- it's spiking in all these different directions. He instantly shoots up alert, looking everywhere until he finds me. Patrick looks so tired and confused. I piss myself again.

"Your hair!" I somehow manage to say while laughing.

He snorts, not impressed with me as I receive a death stare. But that makes me laugh harder. His morning hair is so cute yet hilarious.

I finally compose myself. I peer over at Patrick who wears a permanent scowl on his face.

"Let me fix it." I reach over to touch his shiny hair and soothe it out. As I make contact he leans in, relaxing. I apply a couple strokes and his hair is back to normal- smooth and neat. I stop and he pouts.

"I need to go to the bathroom." I tell him, but he continues to pout. "I'm still going." I say, getting up from the bed and towards the en-suite.

I quickly go to the bathroom and brush my hair with my fingers before coming back into the bedroom. Patrick is now wearing a light grey hoodie and some black trackies. He looks awake now.

He notices me and approaches before kissing my forehead lightly.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks.

"Actually amazing. I slept with not a worry in the world." I inform him happily. "That was definitely one of the best sleeps I've had."

"That's good to hear." He chuckles.

"What's the plan for today?" I do recall Patrick saying that we'll tell Caleb and Jack today about us being boyfriend and girlfriend now. Is that still going to happen?

"You up for telling Caleb and your brother of our new status?" He chuckles. I nod my head, agreeing and at the fact I was right.

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