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My eyes begin to shut, the exhaustion from today's events catching up to me. I seek refuge underneath my covers, not processing one thought about Patrick before falling into darkness.

I wake up with adrenaline pumping through my veins. It's 9:30, only 2 and a half hours out from seeing Leah again for the first time in years. I wonder how it'll end up going. Anything can happen because everything has changed. It'll be like getting to know her all over again. I just hope it goes right and not downhill.

I hop into the shower, washing my hair thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner before getting out. I change into some shorts and a plain T-shirt, throwing a Nike hoodie over the top. I've never really been one to wear skirts, dresses or leggings, only shorts or skins. I'm very simplistic by liking sporty clothes. I also chuck on some Converse.

I head downstairs to grab something to eat. When I reach the kitchen no one is there, so I conclude that the boys don't have training today.

I quietly prepare some Weetbix for myself and grab the remote from the coffee table. I switch on the TV. The sports news is currently playing, but it's nothing more than just some injuries to players from certain clubs. I become bored when the sport is over and they move onto politics. I just go back to eating my breakfast, zoning out the TV.

My attention is drawn away from the milk remaining in my bowl to a messy haired Jack walking into the kitchen. I choke on the Weetbix in my mouth, really wanting to laugh at my brother's morning hair. I end up spitting the chunk of Weetbix out and into my bowl, resulting in the left over milk to splatter over the counter.

That doesn't stop me from bursting into laughter though. I begin to laugh uncontrollably as Jack stares at me like I'm insane. His hair is usually combed back, but it's currently spiking in all directions, making him resemble one of those crazy scientists that have just blown up something.

I don't realise how loud I'm laughing until Caleb walks in with an annoyed frown on his face. His hair isn't as crazed as Jack's but it's not 100% up to standard either.

"Hehehehehe! We get it, you can stop your laughing fit missy." Caleb impersonates my laughing. I nearly lose my composure again at how badly he impersonated me. It sounds absolutely nothing like me.

"What's got you so happy?" My brother suddenly questions.

"I'm going to be seeing Leah today", I reply instantly.

"Leah? As in Leah Blake? Wasn't she your best mate before you moved to Sydney?"

For some reason I'm taken aback by his question about her being my best mate before Sydney. But what did I expect, of course it was going to come up.

"Yeah, indeed she is. She messaged me last night after you left asking if I wanted to have a coffee. I took the opportunity because I'm sick of being surrounded by you idiots all the time. But I also just want to see her again as I've missed her." I answer him honestly.

"I take insult to that", Caleb says.

"You take insult to everything, you sack of potatoes."

As soon as I finish my sentence I realise what I've said. I didn't even think about what I was going to say until it was already out. My throat goes dry as I realise who I referred to. I haven't even thought about him at all this morning.

I sigh. I can't worry about this now, I've got more important things to attend to. Like prepping to see Leah. I peer up at the clock on the wall, it reads 10:45.

"I'm going to finish getting ready, we're meeting at 12." I tell the boys before heading to the bathroom.

I make final adjustments by brushing my hair, allowing it to fall limply over my shoulders. I also do my teeth before heading to my room. I check that I have everything before grabbing my car keys.

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