thirty one

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In front of me is the cause is my downfall, my breaking point, as I watch Patrick and Sarah making out in that vehicle.

My boyfriend is making out with the bitch.

That's when my world crumbles. It's like I've been crushed by an avalanche. I've lost my footing and am stumbling down and down into ultimate heartbreak and nothingness. I'm buried beneath snow that begins to suffocate me.

My heart is made of glass shards that have shattered inside my chest. They threaten to dig deeper and cause me more pain. I'm already barely holding back tears.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Leah has had enough of watching their snogging. The disgust on her face says it all. She slams her hand on the car horn forcefully, putting in all her anger.

Patrick and Sarah jump away from each other out of shock, blinking as if they've just woken up into reality. They look around for the source and it lands on Leah and I in the car across from them. Almost instantly Patrick's blue eyes find my brown ones.

The regretful look Patrick is giving makes the glass in my chest impale me further. Tears sting my eyes as my hands shake uncontrollably.

Patrick's eyes read pure sadness and rue as he registers what he's just done. He's broken me and everything that we once had. I feel hollow and lonely like a part of me has been snatched beyond my reach.

Only Patrick could cause pain as deep and excruciating as this. He's the only one that can manipulate me and find a way inside my heart.

Patrick Cripps is the only person who could break me from the inside out in one fair go.

The only one.

I'm stuck to the seat as a waterfall is threatening to cascade down my cheeks. I know Leah is fuming. I wouldn't be surprised if she jumped out, stormed over and slapped Patrick right now.

Unexpectedly though Patrick exits the car desperately, making his way over to us. I lock eyes with Leah. I can't do this. I can't talk to him.

"Go." I tell her, practically begging. She nods quickly before starting up the car.

Patrick is just about to open my door when Leah presses on the accelerator and away from him. I don't look back as we exit the parking lot.

"Take me home please." I beg. I need to get home right now. Leah changes her course in direction of my house.

I'm unable to comprehend the events that just happened. It's a constant buzz occurs in my head, but I can't decipher all the thoughts that are trying to fight their way through the barrier. I'm grateful it doesn't take long to get home.

I'm like a zombie with no thought process as I pretty much unconsciously exit the car and begin dragging my way up to the door. I hear Leah behind me.

That's when it all snaps. The presence of being home brings me back to reality rather than the dream state that keeps my head in the clouds. I call out in agony from the shards that stab me like a knife. I only make it halfway up the driveway.

My eyes drip with agonising tears. The walls that hold me up, that make me strong, just collapse. Moment by moment, they fall. Salty drops fall from my chin, drenching my shirt. I'm trembling. I can't stop. It's raw, everything, raw tears, raw emotions. I can't stop... I can't stop. Why can't I not stop crying?

Leah runs over and holds my shuddering body as my cries echo around the street. I'm not in control of my body anymore, the emotions have their strings attached and are throwing me around like a puppet.

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