twenty four

891 21 11

I can't believe I'm going to get my brother back. I have no doubts about it either. As soon as tomorrow my life can be normal again.

Exactly how I've wanted it to be for weeks.

I didn't get home until late as I stayed at Patrick's place and watched a movie with him and Zac. But Caleb did text me that it went well with my brother. It was a huge relief to hear that.

No one was up when I got home so I just went to bed.

Now I'm currently prepping myself for an early morning run. I feel like I need a refresher after these harsh few weeks. I just change into some running gear, nothing big.

I leave a note on the bench for the boys telling them that I'm heading to Princes Park. I grab myself a snack bar before jogging to the car.

The drive is quick due to it being before sunrise and no one is heading to work yet. The park is empty too once I pull in.

I step out, closing my eyes as the icy breeze hits my face. I'm so ready for this.

I lock my car before setting off at an even pace along the path.

The surface crunches below my feet, creating a constant rhythm with every step I take. It's soothing as my ponytail swings from side to side. The air smacks me in the face, waking up my mind and body to a relaxed space.

The sun is fighting its way over the horizon, casting an orange tint to all it touches. The trees, grass and the buildings in the distance glow. I smile as the warmth makes contact with my cheeks.

My body begins to ache from jogging. I stop to the side of the path, not far from the carpark. I pant heavily, leaning over with my hands and gripping my knees.

It's fully light now, the sun rising up steadily. I concentrate on the warmth, absorbing the comforting sensation that relaxes my tense muscles.

In the corner of my eye I notice someone standing there around 15 metres away. I feel uneasiness slip over me from this stranger. I turn to face them, only for my body to go rigid.

They bounce on their feet, shifting their weight from side to side. Their eyes are glossy and emotional, begging for forgiveness. I blink barely containing my own tears, but before I know it they spill down my cheers as I charge at my brother.

His arms automatically widen as the distance closes between us. Within seconds I've leapt into his arms, causing Jack to stumble back a few feet. I unleash a sigh of relief, relishing being back in my brother's arms.

I sob wildly, no control as my emotions take over. He grips the back of my head in his hand, I do the same as my palm lays under his mop of hair. Jack holds me close, in a way that he's afraid that if he lets go I'll disappear into thin air.

He shudders from crying too, not bothering to hold back how he feels. The separation has been eating away at us. We've suffered so much in our young lives that we had to become close, and to be forced apart for so long has only made our bond stronger.

His shirt is stuffed in my hand, grasping onto it as if my life depends on holding the material. I'm aware that my tears have drenched his clothes, but I don't care. I only care about being in my brother's protective arms again.

"I-I'm so s-sorry Audrey." I hear him sob against my hair. I immediately pull back, taking in his red eyes and the bags that lay beneath them. I shake my head from side to side determinedly, almost breaking my neck.

He glances down at me. "N-no Audrey, I should've just listened to you. I-if I had done so in the first place I wouldn't have treated everyone like shit, especially you." His voice breaks, still raspy as he begins to stop crying. "You deserve so much better than that. All you were doing was protecting me, I just didn't realise. You were right, I was blinded."

I clear my throat, trying to get my voice to work. His words are true. I didn't deserve his hate when I was trying to help him, but he was just trying to live his life.

"Maybe I didn't deserve the shit you gave me, but I can't blame you for wanting to get on with your life. You were looking at the future, rather than watching the present. Yeah sure, it hurt to feel so rejected, but you're my brother. You're bound to be part of my life. I love you no matter what went down, that's exactly why I wanted you back." I sigh shakily, still recovering from crying.

He studies me intently, attempting to pick out any faults, but there is nothing on my face that suggests I'm lying. Suddenly his face goes dark, uncontrollable anger raging. His jaw is tight, his fists shaking.

"The way she pinned you against that wall. Fuck! I want to hit her snotty face so bloody bad." He seethes, heat rising into the air.

His anger frightens me. It reminds me all too much of when I walked in on him and Sarah kissing. The pure hate he had for me after I slapped her is haunting.

I take a deep breath. I'm not going to cower.

"Hey, hey, let's not worry about that now, I'm fine okay? She didn't physically hurt me. I'm fine." I say slowly, trying to calm my brother down.

I grab his balled up fist, rubbing my thumb against the back of his hand in an attempt to soothe him. He visibly calms down, his body tension easing. He sighs.

"I can't believe you had to deal with that." He looks down at his feet, guiltily. So many emotions have surged through him in the last couple minutes.

It pains me to see him feel so responsible for everything that happened. There's a lot more than it just being his fault. There were many more factors that resulted in this happening.

I grab his bicep, gaining his attention.

"It's over now, okay? We can move on from this." I encourage. He's doubtful though. He doesn't know if he can forgive himself for how he treated me.

I sigh. "We've both been through some worse shit than this. We didn't get through our mum's passing the best way because we weren't together. But now we have the opportunity. The opportunity to get over this together, to move on and be brother and sister again. There's nothing stopping us, so let's just go for it."

He nods, taking in my logic. Jack doesn't say anything though.

I don't want to be at each other's throats. I don't want him blaming himself. I want this to make us stronger, not make us go backwards.

"Please Jack." I plead. He makes eye contact with me. I know the look on my face is desperate, begging.

"Okay Auds." He nods.

"Thank you." I lean up, kissing his cheek in a sisterly way. He smiles happily.

"What are you going to do now?" I ask, wondering how he'll deal with Sarah.

"I'm yet to figure it out. But she won't be in my life for very much longer."

"Good." I grin.

Finally relief has come. It's about time that I don't have to worry about Sarah in my life anymore. I didn't think it was possible for her to turn up again.

And I hope she never does.

And Jack and Audrey are back to being brother and sister again! FINALLY!😍

It was about time that Jack dumped the bitch Sarah and make the bond with his sister even stronger🎉

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter although it was a filler!


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