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I remain in their arms, mentally thanking them for being some of the most supportive people in my life. I couldn't have progressed this far without the two.

And I owe them for it.

Later that night we headed back to Patrick's house to just chill and watch a movie. Both Josh and Daniel had left already by the time we arrived. Zac decided to leave too, not wanting to "hear us in the bedroom." I slapped him so hard for that comment.

Currently I'm sitting on the couch in the safety of Patrick's arms. He runs his fingers through my hair gently and with such endearment. I feel so relaxed whilst snuggled to his side. The touch of his skin against my own makes a tingling sensation to arise.

His hand is tight around mine. It's warm and soft- soothing. My mind is calm and relaxed as we watch the movie, a comforting silence between us.

Suddenly Patrick stops stoking my hair which pulls my sight up to meet his eyes. They watch me in fondness, the blue shining vividly even in the low lit room. I tilt my head in slight confusion.

"You're so beautiful," he compliments.

My cheeks become flushed, heat rising onto my face. I bite my bottom lip to suppress a smile, feeling slightly embarrassed. I look down at the fabric of the couch.

"Don't do that, I want to see your gorgeous face Auds." Even further I blush at his comment, if that was even possible. His hand cups my cheek and pulls my eyes to him.

"You're too flattering Crippa," I mumble out weakly under his gaze. I'm so embarrassed and my face is so red, I know it. Why can't I stop blushing?

"Only to you." Patrick kisses my cheek with so much love and compassion that my lips tug up at their own accord. My heart flutters in my chest. His soft lips move away, but the feeling lingers.

"I hate how you have this effect on me," I tell him honestly.

"I guess it's just bad luck, but don't say that you don't like it." He winks at me cockily when I don't respond. Patrick is bathing in this small victory of being right.

In rolling my eyes I push off the couch, out of his grasp and away from his annoying tendency to tease. I'm quickly pulled back desperately though, the air being sucked out of me.

I fall back onto muscle and warmth although it's against my will. I want to get away from that who holds me hostage in his arms, but he refuses.

My right shoulder is pressed into Patrick's body as I'm positioned sideways on his lap. His left arm is strong around my upper back, keeping me supported and preventing me from falling. His right arm is looped around to touch his hand. I'm trapped.

"Screw you," I grumble, staring away from him.

"Don't be salty babe."

"That's new," I chuckle out, a smirk forming. I can't help but laugh at him calling me 'babe', it's just so weird and unusual to me.

"Would you prefer me to call you sweetie or honey or love?" He raises both his brows at me, awaiting an answer. I just shrug, but I know I don't like babe, sweetie, honey or love. I prefer Auds all day every day.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now