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PUBLISHED: July 17th, 2019
EDITED: October 11th, 2021

I follow behind Jack, but not before Charlie sends me a flirty smile and a wink. I gulp, unsure of how to react so I give him a little wave. We make our way inside, some of the boys already working with weights. I look around for Patrick once again, and to my luck he's boxing.

My brother heads off to do some weight pushing, so I wander up to Patrick. He's wearing an aggressive look on his face as he slams his gloves into the punching bag. He doesn't look very happy. In fact, he looks angrier than he did a couple minutes ago.

I decide to dismiss it and just strike up a genuine conversation with him.

"Hey." I say joyfully, but seconds pass and I don't receive a response. I raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Hello?" I say again, and this time he flinches, taking a break from belting the bag.

"What do you want?" I'm taken aback by the harshness in his voice, he doesn't even bother to make eye contact with me. Something's up, and I don't know what.

"Everything okay?" I ask, hoping to get an answer.

"Everything is fine." He practically growls through clenched teeth. It's obvious that he isn't. I sigh and grasp his bicep, hoping to gain his attention. His eyes lock onto mine, they burn with anger. He yanks his arm from my grip fiercely. I'm once again taken aback by his unusual aggressive behaviour.

He turns his back to me, chucking off his boxing gloves roughly. "Leave me alone." He says before storming off into the locker rooms.

I'm left to pick up the pieces. I feel my eyes water, tears threatening to break free. I refuse to let them loose though. I can't break down, not here, not now. It doesn't make sense to why Patrick was being so blunt and unemotional towards me. He's never like that.

Patrick is always caring and shows endless amounts of affection, but just then was the total opposite. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with me.

I sigh, holding back a sob. I walk up to Caleb's bag and grab the car keys. I need a moment alone. So I text my brother saying I'll be in the car waiting. I leave the building emotional, barely holding back the tears caused by the person I least thought would make them occur.


(Patrick's POV)

I barge my way into the locker room, I was fuming with no reason of doing so. I slump down against the lockers, breathing in and out. Why was I so angry? So childish?

I lashed out at her, something that I never wanted to do. I tore my arm from her grip, and the look on her face afterwards was breaking me. I saw the pain in her eyes as they became overwhelmed with tears. How could I do that to her? But in all honestly why did I lash out?

It looked as though she was enjoying herself in Charlie's company. I was jealous that she had something for him more than me. But the truth is I don't even know if she likes me back, or him for that matter. I acted on instinct without actually knowing the whole story. And now I've hurt Audrey.

I put my head in my hands, feeling guilty and regretful. I wasn't aware that Caleb had walked into room, but he was watching me questionably that's for sure. I feel a presence beside me.

"You right mate?" He asks.

I know lying will just end up in an interrogation, so I tell him the truth without details.

"Have you ever lashed out at someone and regretted it so badly you just wanted to take it back?" I sigh. Caleb places his hand under his chin, thinking.

"Now that I think about it yes, I have. It wasn't the prettiest fight either. But after awhile we reformed our friendship, forgetting what tore us apart in the first place. Whatever is going on between you and this person will be fixed. How soon? That depends on the effort you put in."

I take in his words. They make sense. I know I have to do everything in my power to apologise for my childish behaviour and make it up to her. She didn't deserve my shit all because I was jealous.

"Thanks Caleb." I look up at him, a genuine smile on my face.

"All good mate." He claps my shoulder before heading out.

I sit there thinking what to say, but I'm left with nothing. I decide to leave it for now and head home, giving us both time to cool down from the experience. I pack my training bag and walk outside to my car, continuously thinking about the pain I caused her.

I'm so bad with sticking to a schedule, but it's influenced by someone. (You know who you are)
But anyway, apologies for the shorter chapter, I promise a longer one will be coming Saturday.
Hope you enjoyed anyway!
Thanks all!

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