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PUBLISHED: July 14th, 2019
EDITED: October 11th, 2021

(2 days later)

The Blues have training today, so I decide to get up early and tag along with my two idiots.

"Are you okay?" My brother asks. I'm not entirely sure if he's worried or annoyed.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"It's just you never wanted to come to training so eagerly before. Or at all."

"I guess times change." I shrug my shoulders as Caleb, who's putting his breakfast bowl away, raises an eyebrow at me. I just walk off, taking the keys from the bench and grabbing my bag from the bottom of the stairs.

I unlock the car and sit in the passenger seat. I don't feel like driving. I wait in the car for about 5 minutes until I get tired of sitting here without movement. I open the door and yell "hurry up you sacks of potatoes!"

I slam the car door shut and chuckle to myself, thinking of how Patrick made that joke only mere days ago. Thinking that I'll be seeing him again today makes me happy. He makes me happy.

I snap out of my thoughts when Caleb opens the driver's seat door. He never drives because he's a shit driver.

"Why are you driving?" I question, absolutely flabbergasted.

He places a hand on his heart, faking hurt. "That's very rude Auds. I'll have you know I'm a great driver."

I crack up. "Yeah sure. I'll just sit here fearing for my life." Caleb glares at me before starting up the car. I turn around to my brother, I whisper harshly at him. "Why couldn't you drive!?"

"He insisted. I'll happily accept the offer not to drive any day."

"Ugh!" I groan before turning back in my seat.


I ended up for the whole trip clinging onto the car door. Caleb drove like a maniac, and I thought multiple times that they would be my last.

We finally arrive at Ikon after what felt like an eternity. I bolt out the car, picking up my bag along the way.

"Geeeeez Auds, didn't know you despised my driving that much." Caleb states.

I pant, giving him the side eye. I begin walking towards the facility. This time I don't feel nervous or unsure, I feel confident. I don't feel embarrassed from last time I was here, that thought passed my mind days ago. I smile, excited to see what the day ahead brings me.

My brother catches up beside me, watching me carefully. He's making sure I don't freak out like last time, but I know a relapse won't happen. I begin to feel uncomfortable under his gaze.

"You right there?"

"Oh, yeah I'm fine. Are you sure you're fine?" I can see the concern in his eyes, I smile to reassure him.

"What makes you think I'm not?" I ask.

"I don't know. You've just been a lot happier lately, less nervous and frustrated."

That's when I realise that's true. Ever since after coming here I've felt amazing, happy. Not once since have I felt uncomfortable in any situation I'm in. "You're right. I'm not sure what's changed. But it's a definite that you two are part of it." Caleb had caught up by now.

I engulf them both in a large hug, mentally thanking them. "We've got your back Auds. Always." I smiled at Caleb's words.

We release from the hug and stand there smiling. "Well, let's head in!" I say enthusiastically.

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