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I laugh at his reaction. He cuddles up against me again.

I think about how Perth will be by spending time with him. I guess I'll find out when it comes around.

I ended up taking a later flight than the players, much to Patrick's dismay. I didn't want to intrude by being on the same flight, so I booked the one straight after.

When my flight landed I received a message from Patrick saying that he wasn't allowed to wait for me, I told him it was fine. He also tried to convince me that I could stay at his parents house, but once again I didn't want to intrude.

I stay at a hotel 5 minutes walk away from the club. I know the boys would be at Optus Stadium prepping for the game tomorrow. I'm not sure what Patrick would be doing right now though.

I spoke to Caleb over the phone later that night before dozing off, bracing for what an unimaginable day it would be tomorrow.

(Next Morning)

Game day against the Dockers is finally here.

It's a couple hours after I woke up and I'm ready to go to the game. I'm wearing what I always do. Just some skins, a plain T-shirt and a warm hoodie over top. Very simplistic.

I arrive at the ground within about 15 minutes. There's a flood of purple as soon as I step out of the Uber. I see a couple Carlton supporters, but I didn't expect there to be too many, especially in Perth.

Once again I received a pass to go down to the rooms, but from Patrick this time.

I quickly go inside, finding my seat along the wing. The guys run out, leaping up into the air, some marking the footy. This time they aren't led by Patrick, but Ed Curnow.

I respect Ed, but the thought of his brother frustrates me. I also wish that Patrick was out there, rather than observing.

Not long after all the players line up, the siren sounding, the bounce following. It's go time.


The final moments were that all Carlton fans will remember. The way Marc Murphy avoided the smother, to then drop the ball onto his boot perfectly, it bending and slotting in between the two large posts. The uproar that echoed around the stadium was incredible.

Right now I'm charging down into the rooms, beyond excited, the adrenaline still rushing. The atmosphere is loud and wild as soon as I enter. Smiles are upon everyone's faces.

I look around, but only to want to turn away.

In the corner I notice Jack and Sarah kissing. I gag.

Jack and I haven't spoken in days. Ever since that night after meeting Taylah we've just ignored each other. Around the house we act as though we don't see one another. Caleb is sitting on the fence, not doing anything to intervene. I don't blame him.

I avoid looking in that direction, afraid that I'll walk up there and start something. Instead of focussing on them, my eyes search for Caleb or Patrick.

They land on Caleb as he bounds up to me. We collapse into each other's arms, the extreme emotions of winning again running at full speed.

"How was that?!" Caleb cries out happily, lifting his head from the embrace.

"Unbelievable! I don't know how Marc did it, but he's made this a game to remember!" I respond, still in utter shock.

Caleb laughs, something that I haven't heard in awhile. I guess being in the middle of two housemates fighting isn't ideal. You can't do much but endure it, and I guess because of the fighting Caleb can't be his joking self at home. I'm definitely feeling guilty for it too.

Just to see him smile makes me happy. I don't want him to suffer because of Jack and I. I need him to be comfortable within his own home, and not feel like he's in a war zone.

I hug Caleb, feeling as though it's my fault that he can't be himself because my brother and I are too busy giving the shits. Caleb hugs back, obviously not entirely sure why though.

We release and I smile up at him sadly.

"What was that for?" He asks curiously.

"For having to deal with Jack and I. For having to not be yourself because of our fighting. For feeling uncomfortable within your own home. The list could go on." I sigh, guilt all I can think about.

"Awww Audrey, it's fine. What did I expect when having two siblings live together? I obviously didn't think you wouldn't have arguments, it was bound to happen. I'll let you two get through it and I'll keep my distance. You and Jack have been through a lot of crap these past couple years, this'll be resolved soon enough."

"Thank you Caleb, I just really needed to hear that you aren't suffering. I already feel guilty enough."

"No need to feel guilty Auds, you've got nothing to worry about. We'll get through this time together. I want that girl away from Jack as much as you. I want my housemate back. But I really want my best friend back."

"And I want my brother back." We smile at our similar wishes.

"And we will get him back soon." I nod, knowing that we'll get him back. When? I don't know, but hopefully soon.

"I better go Auds. We'll talk later tonight." I nod as he leans over and kisses the top of my head. Caleb then walks off towards the crowd of players.

Standing there, I ponder on what he said, really hoping that it true that he isn't suffering.

I'm disrupted from my thoughts when I'm scared shitless.


Patrick jumps out from behind me, not that I can see him. Flinching out of fright, I spin around and face him, my face moulding into anger. Laughter rises from the other side of the room.

I shove him back, unimpressed. He doubles over, laughing. Rolling my eyes, I begin to walk away in the other direction.

Suddenly Patrick grasps my wrist, pulling me back. The innocence in his eyes is too much to resist. I groan, loosening my muscles to show I'm not going anywhere. He drops my arm.

"How are you?" Patrick beams at me.

"Alright." I'm still scowling while replying, definitely sounding unenthusiastic.

"Oh come on Auds, you know you love me." He smirks.

His comment mortifies me, lightheadedness taking over. The whole world is as if it's spinning at an uncontrollable rate. My heart is slamming against my chest, sounding like drums in my ears.

His comment has rendered me speechless and unable to comprehend. I'm not sure why what he said has made an impact on me in this way. It's unusual. Unnatural. The amount of times this has happened is ridiculous.

"Audrey?" Patrick questions, observing me carefully.

"I'm fine." Ianswer, rubbing my temple and avoiding a groan. He narrows his eyes, not believing me. I shrug.

"Anyway, how's your foot feeling?" I ask, legitimately curious and hopeful that he can play next week.

"Unfortunately it's not the best. They say it's another week or so." Patrick stares at the floor sadly. A frown makes it's way onto my faces as his features drop.

I extend my arm, my hand falling onto his shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. His eyes meet mine, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips.

"What would I do without you?" Patrick smiles.

"I don't know. What would you do without me Crippa?" We both chuckle.

We stand there together, enjoying each other's company in silence.

To thank you all for 3K reads I decided to release another chapter. I've really appreciated the support this book has received since I first started. So thank you!

Now I know this is a filler, but I promise it's leading up to something big. Get excited!

Hope you enjoyed!

Cheers all!

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