thirty seven

681 14 74

How I would wish to be with Audrey right now.

These past few days without her have felt like years. And there will be many more to come.

(Audrey's POV)

I find myself sitting on some steps near the Yarra outside the venue. The breeze threads through my hair and dries the tears that stain my face. I sigh shakily.

Loneliness is an ever lasting void that consumes me in darkness. It's like a vice around my heart that is squeezing with just enough pressure to cause constant pain. It might have only been days since him and I unofficially broke up, but it feels like an eternity, making my link with loneliness only grow stronger.

Seeing him for the first time since the incident really tested me emotionally. Looking him in the eye I could see every feeling he felt and all the pain he suffered and is still suffering. He has to live with breaking my heart and doing it in the worse way possible— with the bitch Sarah.

I play with the bottom of my dress in an attempt to distract myself. It doesn't really work. My mind still drifts to memories of him and I.

I go back to where it all started. The first time we met, our first hug, the times I did recovery with him.... our first kiss. I want to take away the power of the painful memories, prove to myself that I should choose to move on.

I have no more anger towards Sarah. I've given into the control she has over me. No more strength remains to fight her off and out of my life for good. Her strings are tight on me.

But what if it wasn't his choice to kiss her and that she forced him into it? Could this be another one of her schemes? Is this the 'reason' he keeps talking about? I just want to know so I can move on.

That's when I remember the time Sarah warned me. My mind drifts to that memory that's turned out to be true.

Sarah turns her back on us. She leaves slowly, but not before her finals words threaten to haunt me.

"It won't be long before you break because of him."

I clamp my eyes shut, the pain rising up from my chest. I don't want to cry again, I've done it enough lately.

"Audrey?" A familiar voice rings out. I sniffle, peering up at the person who found me.

"Hey Zac." I say weakly.

"Can I sit?" He asks cautiously.

I nod, patting the spot beside me. He sits down to my left.

"You know, everyone is looking for you."

I stare at him, shaking my head side to side, not believing it. I didn't think leaving and going out here would cause them to look for me.

"Jack came up to me asking if I'd seen you and I said no. He just said you disappeared from the table pretty distressed. So I went looking and found you here." Zac tells me.

"I didn't want to cause anyone any trouble, I just couldn't stay in there any longer. It... hurt too much." I sigh.

"Hey, it's okay." Zac says, wrapping a brotherly yet comforting arm over my shoulders. I retreat into his arms. "We all know that you need time, and everyone is willing to give you that time to recover."

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now