thirty eight

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I don't leave without seeing him and Sarah kissing at the front of the venue. There's something wrong with it though, like it's only felt by the bitch.

But what does it matter? Him and I are over and I'm left to pick up the pieces of pain.

(2 weeks later)

Life continued on painfully as it seems to do these days and especially after the Best and Fairest. I had been slowly progressing through it as the emotional scars embedded deeper into the brain.

I couldn't get over him, I knew that. But maybe it would be temporary. That I would forget about him like he never existed. So far it didn't seem to be that way though.

It's only been a few weeks since I witnessed him and his new bitch kissing while at the carpark with Leah. It's a constant reminder of my heartache that cages me in unconditional resentment, betrayal and longing for answers.

"I swear I have a reason for kissing her Auds. I love you so much, I always have and that hasn't changed."

How could he still love me if he goes and cheats on me? That's what I don't understand. He's left me searching for answers that aren't getting me anywhere. In fact they're just making the shards dig deeper.

Knocks on the front door alert me of someone's presence. I get up curiously and begin walking with caution in my step.

My mind wanders to him when I reach for the handle, but my hesitation is short lived as I let the door swing open. Once again I witness Charlie Curnow bouncing on his feet with uncertainty for the 2nd time in 2 weeks. He smiles sheepishly as me while I just blink.

Last time we spoke was when he wanted to beat the crap out of Zac. He seemed intoxicated but I couldn't quite tell if that was feeding his rage. And now a couple days later he's come to pay me a visit.

"Let me guess, you came here to apologise. Again." I say whilst watching him nod slowly, his curls bouncing as he does so.

"Yeah.... I thought you deserved an apol-" I place my hand out signalling him to stop. It leaves him mid sentence and his mouth caught open.

"I get it, but why were you so pissed? Zac was just trying to comfort me like you would've if you got there first. At least I think that's what you would've done."

"It was what I would've done. Look, I was probably a little drunk and on edge, even though that's not an excuse. I just..." His voice clearly wavering. I narrow my eyes at him questionably.

"You just?" I press. He bites his lip nervously.

"I was jealous, alright!?"

I'm taken aback, almost stumbling over my own feet in the process. A bubble of unsuspecting surprise places itself in my throat which causes me to choke for air. I double over desperately sucking in air.

"You alright?!" Charlie comes closer but my hand firmly presses against his chest which prevents movement.

"No no, this can't be happening. That can't be true." I pant. The Curnow looks down at his feet not mustering a word.

"How...? Why?" I peer up at him. He makes eye contact with me and I can tell he's incredibly uneasy about what he'll say.

"Jack had mentioned you a couple days before you first came to the club. You peaked my interest and I didn't have the guts to say anything the second you arrived. I then fucked myself over and put us both in uncomfortable positions. Then you and Patrick started to get close." I visibly cringe at his name, turning my head towards the ground painfully.

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