thirty nine

638 11 31

Because I know the tears that continue to fall are my heart begging to have him back. Back in my arms as it should be.

As it should've stayed.

Over a week has passed since Charlie came by.

Charlie and I have been hanging out a lot more lately and I've been pushing away what he told me before. He honestly seems to be the border between my torment and the urge for happiness and freedom of my misery now.

It frustrates me that Charlie has snuck into my brain and made such an impact so quickly. Too quickly.

Caleb and my brother have been checking on me constantly as per usual. I've gotten used to the attention so it doesn't bother me.

Currently I'm walking along a track in Albert Park to exercise. The sun rays are radiating down on me which allows my tense muscles to relax. The sounds of birds chirping from the trees soothes my racing mind.

I sigh, looking out at the lake. The loneliness I feel is an everlasting pit that swallows me whole and never let's me escape. It's the new shadow that follows me throughout the day and is only there to torture me. Daily I feel the emptiness in my heart from losing him. It just won't go away.

Suddenly a bike is hurling down the track on the wrong side of the path. The rider looks distracted and unaware that I'm standing right in front of him. I barely have time to react and neither does he when the rider finally seems me there. He swerves immediately, barely missing me.

He continues riding away, leaving me there a bit shaken and in shock. Heavily I breathe while I hug my body in a protective way— not that it would've done much.

"You alright?" A female voice asks when I hear footsteps approaching. I turn to face the voice but am thoroughly surprised by how much I recognise this person.

She has beautiful blond hair that rises high in a ponytail. She's about my height and wears some skins and a running singlet. She has that sense of familiarity circling her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shaken." I respond, still trying to figure out who this is. She also seems aware of that recognition feeling.

"Do I know you?" She questions, looking at me curiously.

"I'm not sure, I feel like I know you though." I continue to think about who it could be.

"Oh my god. Audrey?!" The girl suddenly says, a wide smile stretching from ear to ear on her face. I'm struck with realisation.

"Soph?" She nods quickly, excitedly. We both squeal like little girls, launching into each other's arms.

"How are you?!" Sophie is practically bouncing up and down in excitement, but so am I. At the age of 10 we were the bestest of friends with Leah too. I used to go to her house all the time; legit nearly every day. We would both play hide and seek with her brother Jack Billings— but we'd mainly call him JB; who ironically has the same name as my own brother and from what I remember he plays AFL now too.

"I've been alright, could be better. How about you?!" I ask, trying to avoid chatting about him.

"I've been great! Recently been doing a lot of preparation for an overseas athletics comp." Sophie's smile is contagious, I can't help but feel her joy through the grin she wears.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now