fifty seven

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As if he knows it's the right move too he pulls me into his side, his strong arm draped over my shoulders. I laugh lightly at the gesture.

Even when the sun disappears over the horizon we don't move, remaining together on this beach.

It feels like everything has restarted all over again when I find myself sitting in a car with Jack and Caleb to go to some training at Ikon. It's as if a rewind button has been pressed and things have now been reset to months prior. I find it funny how that's the case.

"Why do I have to sit in the back," Caleb whines, pretty much proving my point.

"Because you were the one who failed to get into the passenger seat first. I mean, you're so bloody slow Caleb. If you can't get to into a car fast enough, how do you expect to be quick enough to punch a ball away from an opponent?" I comeback with, barely containing a chuckle. Caleb just scowls, trying to hide a smile.

Jack begins laughing so hard at my comment that we swerve into another lane momentarily.

"Jack! Focus on the road you idiot! I don't need to be in another accident, especially one caused by you!" I shoot at him although trying to stop myself for laughing now.

"Sorry Auds, but you did leave me in charge of driving us to the club," my brother responds.

"Touché," I say with a shrug and an eye roll.

After about 10 more minutes we arrive at the club. I can tell I have a skip in my step and I'm not sure why. It's also weird to be back here. I haven't been to Ikon in a good while.

As we approach the doors to enter the facility I feel Caleb lean down to my ear.

"I'm going to get you back, Silvagni," he whispers menacingly but jokingly.

"I'm sure you will, Marchbank," I respond, nudging him lightly in the side with my elbow. Jack just rolls his eyes at us.

We enter the building and the strong scent of polished floors burns my nose. The place looks practically the same, except for some minor changes.

The boys and I walk into the gym and our appearance is made obvious pretty quickly.

"Auds!" Zac cries out, pushing through the crowd, sprinting in my direction and then taking me up in the tightest hug.

I haven't seen Zac since I was in hospital, so I can tell he's excited to finally see me again. He's probably happy that I'm not complaining about the putrid hospital food or how the place smells weird.

"How's my favourite Silvagni doing?!" He asks when he releases me from his death grip, itching with excitement. I lean towards his ear, whispering loud enough for my brother to hear.

"You might wanna be careful of what you say around him. He has anger management issues," I snigger, looking up at Jack and pointing subtly.

"Trust me, I know," Zac laughs out.

"I'm just protective. Shut up," Jack snorts, turning away from the two of us as we poke fun and laugh at him. Caleb begins snickering too.

"But seriously, how have you been? Is the wound healing up okay?" Zac asks, falling serious.

"I had a checkup not long ago and they said it's healing up well. I haven't needed to use the cream for awhile either. I'll still have the scar, but the purple tint should fade over time. I'll live," I say, shrugging.

"I'm glad that you're okay now. Don't know where I would've been without ya." Zac sends me a kindhearted smile before I'm the one taking him in for an embrace.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now