forty seven

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Sarah approaches me before taking my phone from my hand, hanging up and chucking it on the couch. She leans up to my ear, her hot breath making contact with it. Her voice is deadly and cold when she hisses lowly.

"You should've listened."

(Caleb's POV)

The sound of constant beeping is all I hear. It's obnoxious and extremely painful to listen to. I'm also hurting by having to stare at Audrey all throughout the 20 minute ride to Epworth.

I look to the monitor that reads Audrey's heart rate. It's slow, nearly too slow, but it's steady and that's all that everyone cares about. If it drops she's in danger.

The paramedics quietly discuss the possible injuries that she might've sustained. I catch two words which scare me. It rarely occurs in footy but it still could happen.

Internal bleeding is what I heard, and I really don't like the sound of it. I bit my lip anxiously.

I contacted both Patrick and Jack about Audrey once I got in the ambo. Patrick's reaction was extremely unlike him. For what reason would he just hang up without saying anything?

Jack's reaction though was heartbreaking. His cries still echo in my ears hauntingly. Once he had composed himself I was told he'd be coming to the hospital. Just before he hung up though I heard him scream 'fuck' and throw something at the wall as he began crying again.

He was obviously impacted by this deeply because first it happens to his mum, then his own sister. Yet we don't quite know what is going on with Audrey yet.

Finally we arrive at the hospital and park quickly. The paramedics are fast open the ambulance doors are wheel Audrey out. I follow them, not daring to leave her side.

(Jack's POV)

I'm just about to put a plate in the dishwasher when my phone vibrates loudly on the counter. I think it's just Audrey calling me to tell me she's on her way home, but as I peer over to look at the screen it reads Caleb's name. I shrug, picking it up and immediately recognising the blaring of sirens. I'm first to speak.

"Caleb, what happened?!" I ask desperately, my mind making up all these horrible scenarios. None of them are good and that scares me. I don't mistake the pain in Caleb's voice when he begins talking.

"Audrey... she..." he begins, but I can't take the suspense, and neither can my heart when it increases in rate.

"Caleb, she what?!"

"She's been in a car accident, Jack."

Those words send me spiralling down, falling to the floor in agony. I cry out, sounding like I've been stabbed right where it hurts most. Tears are cascading down my face as if a dam has broken. The salty taste reaches my lips, a horrid reminder of my worse fears, my worse nightmares, that now been brought back to life.

I might lose her, is a constant chant that echoes through my head. It's a broken record with no end, a constant ringing within my head as I continue to sob.

Small puddles have formed on the floor as tears trickle down from my eyes, gliding over my cheeks and dripping from my chin as it trembles uncontrollably. I have no control of my bodily movements anymore, my whole body reacting in its own way to the tragic, and all too familiar news.

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