fifty three

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I'll still be vigilant until Sarah is caught, but for now I'm happy alongside Patrick.

We stay like that for hours, sitting in silence and feeling our bond be rethreaded ever so slowly.

As soon as I left Patrick's house I knew I had to tell Caleb and Jack about Sarah being behind all this. To be quite honest I wasn't looking forward to it. I've learnt that they're both extremely protective of me, so for them to know that Sarah, the one who has created so much damage already, caused my car crash on purpose will not go down well with the two.

The trip home was still difficult, but I want to try get over my fear as soon as possible. I can't have it hampering my progress to live my life when it's barely begun.

Patrick ended up driving me home. A calm silence was shared between us as I remained focused on getting home. For some reason it was easier in a car with Patrick. I was more at ease.

I surprised myself when saying goodbye. I kissed him on the cheek, rushing out the car without a word. My own cheeks were burning at the realisation of what I just did and I'm sure his were too. I didn't look to see his reaction, but it was probably flabbergasted like mine.

Now I'm currently standing in front of my mirror, repeating what I'll have to say to Caleb and Jack about my accident because of Sarah.

"Sarah caused my crash. Not a big deal... no, that doesn't sound right. Ugh!" I groan to myself in displeasure whilst facepalming. It is beyond me why it's so difficult to tell them.

It might be the fact that I think Jack has anger management issues, not so much on the field, but more so out of footy. He will absolutely lose it when I tell him, and I definitely don't want him going on rampage through Melbourne to track down Sarah.

Even Caleb I'm skeptical about. I don't know how deeply his composure runs. I was harmed in the most unthinkable way possible and that hurt him badly. He wasn't too happy with Patrick when he did what he did, but Caleb didn't blow up. I'm questioning how well he'll take this news, and it's making me nervous.

If both of them lose it then there is no way on earth I'll be able to stop them. They are AFL players and train for a living, someone like me who is still impacted by the accident won't be able to but a dent in their path.

Also telling them will probably put me on lockdown. They will take it upon themselves to be my bodyguards and become glued to my hip all all times. They probably won't let me leave the house whatsoever. I don't want that at all. I live for my freedom.

I know that I need to tell them though. Nothing good comes out of not telling someone the truth, especially with something as serious as this. If they found out that Sarah was behind it all and I didn't tell them then the trust between us would be breached. It's not worth losing them for that. I would prefer them to be by my side 24/7 than looking at me with betrayal.

I sigh, smoothing my hair down and mentally preparing myself for what I'm about to do.

You can do it Audrey. It needs to be done.

And with that I walk down the stairs, my head held high in false readiness as I ignore the aching from my side. I'm not entirely sure where the two boys are when I reach the lounge room, but I know they're in the house somewhere.

"Caleb! Jack!" I call out, trying to not let my voice waver. Their footfalls sound almost immediately before they both enter the room from differing parts of the house. I gesture for them to sit on the couch, my body shivering in an anticipation slightly. They sit together on one side of the couch as I sit on the other.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now