twenty two

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I continue forward, fuming uncontrollably. I'm going to get that proof no matter how hard it may be.

I can't believe this is how I'll have to get my brother back into my life.

A couple days have passed since that day in the hospital. Caleb is home but the brace is still strapped around his neck. He's fine to move about, but the feeling of hurt I still endure is undeniable.

Jack and I haven't spoken since that day, but it's not like we've communicated at all these past couple weeks. We avoid each other on the daily, not a step closer to resolving the issue.

Today is the day I haven't been looking forward to.

My birthday.

I've never been much of a birthday person since mum's passing. We used to celebrate a lot, but now it's just a couple presents and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

I usually receive a happy birthday from my brother and Caleb, as well as Leah, but I've received nothing. It's like everyone has forgotten.

For some reason it's flattened my mood. I usually don't care, but today is different. I don't expect to hear anything from Patrick because he doesn't know my birthday is today. But we did plan to go to his house later which I'm excited about.

Patrick is picking me up to go to his place at 11, so in 45 minutes. The house is eerily quiet. Jack is probably with her and Caleb is who knows where. Like where the hell could he be with that brace on? It's like they both just disappeared.

I decide I've had enough of staring at the TV, so I prepare for today. Being my simplistic self I just throw on skins and a Nike hoodie. I'm just going to act like today is any other day.

I'm brushing my hair when the doorbell rings. I immediately race down the stairs, almost tripping down them. I open the door to Patrick standing there, a stunning smile on his face.

"Hey!" He beams.

"Hi", I utter before leaning up and kissing his cheek. He blushes wildly, and I laugh at his reaction.

He gestures for me to follow, so I shut the door behind me and walk to his car. For some reason he seems excited, like a kid who's received candy from his parents. I want to ask why, but I decide to keep quiet.

I hop into the passenger seat as he sits in the driver's seat. He starts up the car and begins the journey to his house. He suddenly speaks up, scaring me.

"How's Caleb going?" Patrick chuckles.

"He's alright. Despises the brace, especially when trying to sleep. I'm not sure where he is now, it kinda worries me."

"I'm sure he's just out with a mate or something." He tries to comfort me, but the ways he says it makes me suspicious. It seems like he's hiding something, but I'm not sure what.

The drive is silent and short which is reassuring. The air was becoming thick of awkwardness which made me nervous. As soon as we arrive I exit the car, feeling refreshed.

That's when I realise something. "Don't you have housemates?" I ask curiously.

"Oh yeah, Zac Fisher is my housemate. I think he might be out. I'm not entirely sure." I nod at his response.

He leads me up to the door before opening it. He smiles, excitement overwhelming his eyes. I walk inside cautiously, an odd feeling circling me. Patrick shuts the door, which causes me jump a little in fright.

I advance slowly down the hall, the irrefutable feeling of immense uncertainty hanging in the air. It's like someone has sucked all the noise out of the world, Patrick and I's footsteps the only thing reverberating around the house.

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