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PUBLISHED: July 7th, 2019
EDITED: October 8th, 2021

His formerly clearly spoken words get caught in a stutter and everyone catches on. How could they not? Their leader⁠—which I can tell he is one just from observation and from other information⁠—has tumbled over his words which is rarely something he would do.

The players surrounding the dirty blond then lay they eyes on me having followed his gaze. My feet urge me to move but I've been swallowed into a trance. Each of their piercing gazes are making me uneasy yet none are even remotely hostile, just confused yet some are knowing. I can hear loud wolf whistles and I notice the evident smirks on the faces of many.

"I think Crippa is in love!" A voice calls out from the crowd.

My eyes widen. The icon of the Carlton Football Club, Patrick Cripps, just made eye contact with me and apparently he's 'now in love'?

No. That's not true. That's just outright absurd and impossible. He's way better than me in all aspects. This can't be happening.

I try to gather my breathing but I'm failing. All these emotions are overwhelming me. So much is happening that my head can't handle it.

Jack eyes me worriedly from the corner of my eye. He can tell this attention is too much for me especially with the very facility we're at right now. He already knows today has tested me and this is not something I need right now.

Very quickly realisation crosses his face. He shoots around and yells, "go! Go train now and stop staring!" I can see the hesitation in their eyes but one look from their leader gets them to walk off. It leaves only Caleb, Jack, Patrick and I near the bench.

I can see the unsureness in Patrick's eyes even through my water glazed ones. He wants to comfort me but he doesn't even know me. He finally walks off too, slow and uncertain.

"Hey, look at me. You're alright," my brother tries to calm me. Caleb comes up and places a gentle hand on my shoulder, rubbing it softly. "Everyone is gone. It's okay, we're here." Jack buries me in a hug. I grip his singlet, breathing in his scent of home as an attempt to calm down.

I finally do, coming to the realisation of how embarrassing that was. Heat rushes to my cheeks as I look down and release from the hug.

"God, that was embarrassing." I murmur, running my hand down the length of my face. I really have to get a hold of myself.

"Hey, it's fine. It happens to the best of us. You'll be surprised how many times that's happened to me and some of the boys. There's nothing to be ashamed of." I glance up at both Caleb and my brother and they both wear encouraging smiles.

"Geez, I love you both so much." I instinctively dive at the two and engulf them in a hell of an embrace. They hug me back in a brotherly but protective way. In the way that makes you feel untouchable.

"Oh what would we do without you Auds!" Caleb cries out happily and I laugh out at his stupidness. We pull away from each other.

"Do you want to go home and take the car? We can get someone to drop us home," Jack suggests. The way he looks out for me is nothing but heartwarming. To not have that for the longest time makes me question how I lived without it at all. I can tell he isn't sure if it's the best idea that I stay after my previous panicked state.

If I'm honest I don't want to seem like a wuss and that I can't take a little attention. After all I'm not usually like that, I was just overwhelmed from being here and thinking of Mum. And I personally did want to go and check out the place further. I want to explore the very place that Mum couldn't.

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