forty one

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I turn to the hand that is stuffed with Charlie's shirt, then follow up their arm and body until I reach their face. When I do though I'm instantly zapped which almost results in me tripping over my own feet.


I can't believe my own eyes as I take in the scene.

Patrick— my ex-boyfriend —is holding Charlie up by his shirt harshly. His muscles are tight— veins popping, his nostrils are flared with incredible anger as he stares at Charlie with such hatred. Not to mention we are all the way on the other side of the world. I don't get why or even how Patrick is here.

They both stay locked in a stare off, but now because of Patrick's presence I feel my own agitation roaring to life. My fists clench in anger thinking of Charlie going in to kiss me with little to no reason. It was so uncalled for and that pisses me off.

I charge forward towards the two, and with the momentum I rear my hand back and slap Charlie smack bang in the middle of the cheek. His face snaps to the side by the connection.

Charlie slowly turns his vision back to me while rubbing his cheek with his fingers. Patrick is still gripping his shirt tightly.

"I don't know why the fuck you thought that was a good idea, but I want you to get back to the villa and we'll talk about this later," I snarl at him, my teeth clenched. He nods slowly in understanding.

I turn to Patrick for the first proper time and give him a nod to let Charlie go. He listens and shoves Charlie back and away. We both watch as he walks away like a dog with its tail between its legs. I sigh before turning to face Patrick.

"What are you doing here?" I say with a bit of harshness and curiosity mixed. He too faces me and that's when I get a good look at him.

He looks only slightly better than on Best and Fairest night. His expression is still broken and somewhat tired but I'm glad to see that he appears more healthier. The usual light in his eyes still hasn't been ignited though. I can't get over how his face is strained in worry.

"I'm here with Sarah."

Of course he is.

"How come you're here?" He moves on quickly.

"Holiday with Walshy, my brother and that dickhead." I roll my eyes in irritation, pointing in the direction where Charlie left.

"Why did he try to kiss you?" Patrick asks with deadliness in his voice. I shrug.

"God knows. He just decided that it would be a good idea, in which it wasn-" I'm cut off.

"Did you want to kiss him?" He asks desperately.

I'm taken aback. I visibly rear away at how unprepared I am at his question. I can't help but feel a little invaded by it.

"Why do you care?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"I-I.." He staggers with his words before falling quiet. I take it as my cue to speak.

"No, I didn't want to kiss him. But I'd assume you would know that by how you recognised Charlie and I. My face was pretty telling that I didn't want it to happen," I inform him. Patrick doesn't say a word, so I continue with my heart leading the way.

"I wouldn't have done it because I didn't want to have the guilt of feeling like I've cheated on you, although you already did." He's about to respond but I stop him.

"I didn't want to feel like that because I'm still in love with you and I can't get over it even with all these reasons I should. You are all the one that's on my mind nonstop and it hurts. It hurts knowing that I've been betrayed by you but my heart still aches to be in your arms."

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now