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Just before I slip into unconsciousness I hear Patrick whisper one last thing which makes me smile weakly.

"You're beautiful."

(Patrick's POV)

I look out into the bay, admiring the constant rhythm of the waves crashing against the sand. I glance over at Audrey. Her breathing is slow and steady as she sleeps, resting her head on my shoulder as if it's a pillow. Audrey's brown hair is glowing under the light of the sun. She truly is beautiful.

I wonder if she heard me before? I hope not. I wouldn't know how to explain myself. As far as I know she doesn't have any interest in me, she hasn't shown any feelings at all.

It's like she's unsure about the meaning of feelings towards someone and how they work. It's as if she's never experienced them before in her life, but I find that hard to believe with how gorgeous she is.

I feel Audrey snuggle against to me. I can't help but smile widely. The temptation to pull her closer by wrapping my arm around her body is strong, but I don't want to push boundaries. If she wakes up and feels invaded then that would be my fault. And I don't want to have another fight with her any time soon.

I sigh sadly when I realise I'm heading back to the farm in WA, leaving Audrey in the process. I was going to ask if she wanted to come, but I don't know how she would've felt, as well as Jack or Caleb.

I unconsciously lay my head atop of Audrey's. When I realise the move I've made I'm about to take my head off, but Audrey adjusts her position, cuddling into the crook of my neck.

I freeze at the sudden repositioning. I most definitely wasn't expecting her to do that.

So now Audrey is leaning against my side, head on my shoulder, mine on her head and a blanket covering the both of us, our body heat keeping us warm.

I close my eyes, enjoying the comforting feeling of her against my side, sound asleep with not a worry in the world. Life would be so dull without her.

All too soon she starts to stir, removing her head from my neck. I want to protest, but I go against it. She rubs her eyes tiredly before flinching away. In doing so she removes the blanket from my shoulders, an instinctive cold shiver running down my spine.

She stares at me startled, obviously surprised that she was resting up against me.

"I'm sorry. I just fell asleep and didn't know what I was doing." She rushes out. I nearly can't understand her. I smile. She's slightly embarrassed and worried that I'm mad, but in all honestly I'm upset because that position was comfortable.

"It's alright Audrey. Relax." I tell her smiling. She relaxes, realising I'm not annoyed. An involuntary shudder occurs due to the cold breeze. It would've been smart to bring a hoodie, but of course I didn't bring one.

Audrey notices. "Here." She holds the blanket out, exactly like she did before. I'm about to refuse but she speaks up before I can respond. "Please take it." She pleads. The look in her eyes is making it hard to say no.

I nod reluctantly. She smiles victoriously as she hands me the blanket. I wrap it tightly around my body.

That's when I notice the gap. The space between us is bugging me. I don't like it, not one bit. I hold back saying anything though.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now