twenty three

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Wouldn't want to change how today was planned. I couldn't be happier about who I'm spending my birthday with.

All it's missing is one person.

A couple days after the Blues V Suns game I decided to head to training with Caleb. I've been going to training a lot lately, hating the feeling of being home alone.

Today feels different though. It isn't that the boys have won 2 games in a row under Teague. But there is a lingering feeling of approaching relief clouding the air. I can't pinpoint why, but it remains hanging around.

I'm currently talking with Zac Fisher as we stroll into the gym. Him and I have spoken a lot since my birthday. I guess it's because I'm going to Patrick's house most of the time to get away from my brother. But besides that he's a good guy. Easy to talk with and very relatable. Not to mention he's my height.

Caleb isn't doing training because of the brace, but he wanted to come in and support the boys anyway. He's just wandering around the club doing who knows what.

I spot Patrick over in the corner, smacking a punching bag with his gloves. He's concentrated on the bag, where as I'm concentrated on watching him. I want to look away and not seem creepy, but I can't seem to move my eyes.

Zac bumps my side, almost causing me to tumble. He sniggers as I compose myself. I glare at him, straightening my form.

"Look, I know Crippa is some good looking eye-candy, but tone down on the staring. No need to drool either. It's not a good look on you." I slap his shoulder.

"I was not drooling!"

"Oh trust me, you were. I should've recorded it." Zac leans forward in the direction of Patrick as he continues to box. Zac's mouth is slightly parted as he stares intently at him. "Oh Patrick, you're so hot and good at boxing." He breathes out, impersonating me.

I whack him upside the head. He flinches away and groans in pain, rubbing the spot that my hand made contact with.

"Audreyyyy! What was that for!" He whines.

"For being an annoyance and a wannabe Caleb." I state.

"How am I being a wannabe Caleb?"

"You know exactly what Caleb is like." I roll my eyes at him. "I'm going to see Patrick now."

"Ohhhhhhh! Enjoy!" He stirs. I scoff, approaching Patrick's tiring build.

His breathing is uneven as he pants from the workout. He holds onto the railing for support.

I wander up to the him. Patrick spots me, finally having regained his breath.

"Had enough of Zac?" He queries. I roll my eyes.

"Yep. Not as annoying as Caleb but he's up there." I groan out. Patrick chuckles at my response.

"He's different, that's for sure." We both laugh lightly. "Aren't you bored right now?" He asks.

Am I bored? Maybe a little bit because there's like no one to talk to.

"Yeah, maybe a bit." Patrick's nods, a spark igniting in his eyes.

"You should box with me?"

"W-what? But you'll smash me to pieces up there."  I stutter.

He wants to box with me? But why? He knows I'm no good and he'll break me in that ring.

"I'm not going to be hitting you, you're gonna hitting me with gloves on." He reassures me.

"Hitting you? It's unlikely but I don't want to hurt you." Patrick laughs at me. I frown.

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