forty five

663 13 87

I know that us hugging is something I thought would never come so soon, especially with Sarah still in the picture. But it is a huge sign of recovery.

A sign of growing back together.

(A week later)

Never been much of a party person, but I've been forced by both Caleb and Sophie to come along to JB's house for a get together sort of thing before preseason.

Caleb and I took different cars to JB's house because I was bound to leave early and leave the loud music and my drunk friends.

For some reason Jack wasn't up for it so he stayed home to just chill and brace for the start a harsh summer ahead.

Caleb and I arrive at the same time so we park on the curb outside of JB's house. We begin to walk up the driveway together, overhearing the music humming from inside the walls.

We knock on the door and almost instantly JB turns up and opens it for us. He sends me a kind hearted smile and nods to Caleb.

"Nice to see you again JB," I say, giving him a quick hug.

"Nice to see you too Auds," he responds, releasing me. "Everyone is outside." JB points down the hall so I walk down with Caleb on my tail. The music gets louder and the chatter escalates too.

When we walk out onto the porch I immediately recognise the faces of Leah, Taylah and Steeley all talking near the pool. A smile forms on my face realising I haven't seen any of them in weeks.

I run over to the three and squeeze them all into a group hug. They freeze momentarily before realising it's me.


"How have you been?!"

"I've missed you!" Each of them say over the top of one another. I laugh in response.

"I've missed you guys too!" I say, giving the three a hug each. They return it, all nearly squeezing the life out of me.

"How was Greece?" Leah asks excitedly. I pause, putting any works together.

"It was interesting," I inform her.

"Oh was it now?" Leah wiggles her eyebrows which causes us all to laugh. Caleb then turns up, clapping Steeley's shoulder.

"How about we let the girls have a chat, shall we?" Caleb chuckles. Steeley nods before walking away with Caleb laughing.

As Caleb and Steeley leave Sophie turns up and gives me a big hug even though we saw each other not too long ago.

"I saw that some girl chat was going to go down," Sophie laughs and we all nod.

"What was so interesting about Greece?" Taylah presses. I look down nervously.

"Oh come on! You can tell us!" Leah encourages. I sigh, giving in.

"Charlie Curnow tried to kiss me."

They fall silent and unmoving, obviously taking in what I just said.

"Just wanted to confirm but it's the curly haired guy from Carlton right?" I nod at Sophie's question.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now