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"In breaking news, twenty-two year old Sarah Mitchell is to have jail time after the attempted murder of Audrey Silvagni, the younger sister of AFL's Jack Silvagni."

My heart stops and in that very moment I know exactly where I need to be.

And exactly who I need to be with.

I swiftly give the boys a kiss before booking it out the door, my car keys in hand.

I need to get to Patrick.

I need to express everything to him.

I need to tell him how much I love him.

He needs to know. He needs to know that we need to be together and that we need to stay together. I know if that doesn't happen then I will spend the rest of my life dreading. That he may move forward and I will be broken for a lifetime.

I lost him once and I'm not letting it happen again.

I switch my car, which is parked on the curb, into drive.

I've been suddenly filled with all this energy. I feel euphoric despite what I just went through. This was the mood lifter I desperately needed and it's one of the best I could get.

Sarah is to spend time in jail for her acts of vindictiveness. I don't have to deal with a hint of trepidation anymore because of that noxious bitch. She got what she deserved and finally I feel victorious and free.

It's been so long since I've felt this way. It's been months of Sarah stomping on my life and destroying the things and people I love. For once I don't need to worry about that now and that makes me happy.

As I drive the car I don't even know where I'm heading to. My feet and hands have minds of their own, directing me to a location I'm yet to figure out. I know for a fact that it's where my heart is calling me to be, so I just follow through with it.

Every part of my body yearns for Patrick. I am desperate to be with him. His strong arms locked around my body, his head in my hair as he smiles and presses a soft kiss there. My own arms tied around his neck as I laugh into his shoulder with contentment and happy tears spilling down my cheeks.

I feel as though I've been starved from that kind of affection for so long, but not anymore. Nothing is stopping me now.

After a few more minutes the car halts to a stop and then do I finally realise where I've taken myself.

The MCG soars up in the distance, trees unable to block the view of this incredible stadium. The wind blows gently, sending a refreshing wave into my face as soon as I burst open the car door. I practically fly out of the car, my feet pressing me into a run down the paths of Yarra Park.

My heart hammers against my chest, my legs consumed and driven by adrenaline. I just keep running with a goal of getting somewhere that my heart is taking me.

The trees whip past my face as I sprint through the park. My hair flails behind my head as I do so.

Finally I skid to a stop, my runners scrapping along the ground for a moment. I scan around the area, trying to find what, or who, I'm looking for.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now