forty six

632 13 97

The impact sends me slamming into the steering wheel. My abdomen is absorbed by pain.

I love you all....

And I fall into imminent and pitch black darkness.

(Caleb's POV)

I wasn't entirely sure why I didn't leave when Audrey did, it was a bit of a weird thing for me to do honestly. I didn't even need to say anything that important to Steeley. I can't help but feel like I really should've left with Audrey. I just can't shake it off.

I stand from my spot on the porch where Auds left me, stretching my muscles awake and getting myself prepped to go.

As I said to Audrey, I leave 15 minutes after she did.

Thanking JB, I walk out the door and towards my car. I feel extremely edgy and it's quite bizarre. And also knowing that when I first arrived here I didn't feel this same way. It's disconcerting.

Getting in my car I just sit there. My chest feels hollow, yet so filled with fear. The air is clogged with terror that invades all senses.

I quickly calm myself so I don't overthink whilst driving, but I can still feel the low feeling of uncertainty in my chest.

Roaring the engine to life, I begin driving along the empty streets and roads back home. It's creepily quiet with no cars driving past me for most of the trip.

As I'm driving along the terror steadily rises like the steam from a kettle. It hacks at my chest and does it's best to consume me in fear, but I refuse to let it happen.

I round the bend and in the distance I see the moonlight reflecting off something metallic.
As I near the reflection I can see a car smashed up again a huge oak tree.

I slow my car down and cautiously edge closer the scene. I can't see the front of the car but I'm heavily aware it's smooshed up against the tree.

Skid imprints mark the road where the car veered sharply to the left, off the road, into a small ditch and slammed against the tree.

As I get closer the car becomes more and more familiar. The tint of light grey shines back at my face. The model of the vehicle is absolutely unmistakable which causes my eyes to fall to the number plate.


My heart pumps louder when the fear reaches its peak at my realisation.

That's Audrey's car.

I don't waste any time bursting out of my car knowing that if Audrey is alive that I need to get to her as soon as possible.

The thought of Audrey being dead right in front of my eyes makes them sting relentlessly. But I can't consider that an option now though cause her life could be on the line.

I run from my car and towards Audrey's mangled metallic wreck. I charge down the small slope, my legs being pumped with much needed adrenaline. The closer I get the more detail of the car's collision I see.

I witness seeing a huge dent from the tree where the passenger seat should be. Internal parts that are usually compacted in the bonnet are spilling out the sides in a mess. The windscreen is cracked, representing a glassy spiderweb. Smoke puffs in a hazardous way right before my eyes. The front of the car has been destroyed.

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