forty two

658 11 44

I plug my phone on charge and wait for it to turn on. I just hope that I can find some relief in talking to Caleb about this and what happened today.

It was a different kind of day, that's for sure.

My phone rings as I call Caleb on FaceTime. I wait very impatiently for him to pick up.

"Audssss!" He calls out through the phone which scares me. He chuckles.

"Calebbbb!" I laugh out. It so good to see his familiar face again. I've missed it a lot.

"What have you been up to?!" He asks with extreme enthusiasm. That's when I remember the reason I called him.

"W-well something happened today and I needed to tell... actually, more like rant, to you about it." I can tell Caleb is listening intently so I go on.

"Charlie tried to kiss me today." Caleb's eyes widen out of disbelief, then narrow in disgust.

"He did what!" Caleb spits.

"Yep, he tried to kiss me. And as he was leaning in I knew I didn't want it but I couldn't get my body to cooperate, so I just stood there bracing for the kiss." Caleb is locked in and listening carefully.

"I didn't expect what came next though." I pause.

"What happened?" Caleb asks urgently. I gulp.

"Patrick turned up out of nowhere and pulled Charlie away. I thought I was dreaming because we're on the other side of the world and it was practically impossible to run into him here."

"But what baffles me more is the fact he said 'I will do everything my power to make this right again Auds. I'm not risking anything with your safety on the line though.' Like what does the last sentence even mean?" I look at Caleb as if he'd know the answer.

Caleb just sort of sits there thinking. His fingers rub his chin in thought. It takes a few minutes but he finally speaks.

"The only plausible thing I can think of is that he's trying to protect you from something or someone."

"But what or who?" I question confusingly.

"That I don't know." He sighs through the phone.

I'm slightly concerned by what Patrick said about my safety being on the line. Is someone after me or something? That thought sends my nerves haywire.

"You'll be fine Auds." Caleb comforts me as he can tell I've gotten nervous. "Nothing will happen to you." I nod, trying to feel reassured.

"Have you told Jack about this?" I shake my head no at the question. "You probably should when you get the chance."

"I will." I tell him honestly. "What about you, much happened with Teagan?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him resulting in him laughing.

"No, not too much. We've been exploring the Canadian wilderness together and it's been absolutely stunning. The views you get here are so incredible!" He smiles with excitement.

"That's good to hea-" I'm disrupted by a yawn escaping my mouth. Only now do I realise how truly exhausted I am.

"Someone's tired." Caleb chuckles and I nod tiredly in response. "You should get some sleep Auds, especially after the day you've had." He then says seriously.

"Okay, I will I will." I roll my eyes at him.

"Goodnight Auds. Love you and enjoy the rest of your holiday. I'll be sure to give Charlie a piece of my mind, don't worry." I laugh drowsily.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now