fifty two

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I find myself cuddling up to an oversized Carlton guernsey that bears the scent of the man who's always on my mind.

I fall asleep peacefully, Patrick's guernsey pressed against my body, knowing it's time to figure out what's bothering him.

Waking up was pure bliss. I had the best sleep in my own comfy bed and couldn't be any happier. I surprisingly had a sleep free of nightmares, but I'm not going to say it'll be like that every night.

I lay in bed thinking about who the car behind me was, and for what reason they tried to commit homicide. They obviously had that motive, but why?

It makes me sick thinking of that, and now I feel as though I can't leave the house alone. I'm afraid that the person who committed my crash will find me again. I just hope that the police are working on locating the perpetrator.

But I have to push through because I need to speak to Patrick. And desperately.

I need to know about Sarah and what's going on there, as well as why Patrick is so guilty. But I also just want to see him terribly.

It should be a nonexistent request, but my mind is locked onto him and him only. I want to be with him again, but Sarah is still in the equation. I don't know how to handle this.

I decide to just get up and go to his house, but I don't know how I'll get there being so traumatised and all.

A light groan escapes my lips once I stand. My scar argues in protest, but I dismiss it to get changed.

Once I do I take out my phone, pressing Zac's contact and prepare to text him. I hesitate.

How will I cope with being in a car again? It's around a day since my last encounter and it wasn't the finest. But it was the first time and I just came out of hospital. I best just give it a go because I won't get over this fear until I face it.

I text Zac if he can pick me up and take me to his house to see Patrick. It doesn't take him long to reply that he's coming.

In the time before he arrives I make my way downstairs. Caleb and Jack aren't there which confuses me a bit as they don't have training. I go with just texting them where I'll be for the day.

I quickly prepare something to eat before Zac comes to pick me up. I have cereal and just as I'm putting the bowl in the dishwasher I hear a car horn out front.

I grab the house keys before jogging out the door, in which my wound disagrees with. I give Zac a quick wave as I approach his car, and that's when the fear begins to spike.

I pause midway down the driveway staring at the obstacle in the way of getting to see Patrick. I can see Zac looking at me curiously through the windscreen as I eye the vehicle. I don't move, just watch as if it'll attack me.

I suck in a huge breath, closing my eyes before taking a step towards the car. I don't think, just walk, and before I know it I'm seated inside. I do up my seatbelt without much hesitation. In the corner of my vision I see Zac watching me.

"Good morning to you too," I say, trying to ease my growing tension. Zac laughs and doesn't question what just happened. I mentally thank him for it.

As soon as the car begins to roll backwards and away from my house I grip the chair. I can feel my heart slamming against my chest now, threatening to force me out of this car and away the opportunity to talk to Patrick. But my dedication is strong, and it'll push me hard throughout the trip.

Just breathe Audrey. You got this.

"How's Patrick?" I ask, my voice incredibly strained. Zac notices how forced it sounds.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now