forty four

632 11 57

I sit there quietly, holding his hand and observing him as he sleeps peacefully for what seems like the first time in ages. For once he appears unbothered whilst in the realm of dreams.

Exactly how he should be.

At some point I must've drifted off alongside Patrick because I wake up leaning over his bed.

As I pull myself upright I look over at Patrick's sleeping form. He's tranquil whilst his stomach rises up and down with slow and steady breaths. It makes me happy seeing him so relaxed, but also worries me how weak he was.

He's lost weight and is extremely stressed. His muscles are so undefined while his face has lost colour and is sunken in. He is lacking the athletic strength he had.

I realise now that I need to care for him since he won't take care of himself. Zac seemed surprised that Patrick was even home; not that he came at his own accord though. He's probably been forced to stay at the bitch's house.

I check my phone for the time and it's 6am. I've been asleep for about 11 hours and Patrick is still going. I'm glad it is, he needs as much sleep as possible.

I decide to head downstairs and possibly prepare something for him to eat. My bones crack when I stand up due to the pretty uncomfortable position I was sleeping in.

Creeping quietly out of the room, I make my way down the stairs and towards the familiar kitchen. But to my surprise I see Zac there grabbing a cup of water.

"Hey," I whisper quietly. He looks up at me in alert, but calms after realising it's just me.

"Hey Auds. What are you doing up?" He asks in a low voice.

"I was going to prepare something for him to eat," I inform Zac before raising my hand to point at the fridge. "You don't mind if I?"

"Go for it." He smiles, but it soon disappears before he speaks.

"Hey, um, do you know what's wrong with him? He looked horrible when we carried him in. I haven't seen Patrick for weeks." Zac looks at me sadly while I start chopping some fruit.

Sadness swells in my chest knowing that Zac hasn't seen his best mate for weeks. And that the first time he does see Patrick is when he's is in an unhealthy condition. If only I could tell him the main reason he's like this, but I can't.

"I think it's still because of the break up," I partially lie, trying to avoid eye contact as I grab a strawberry to chop.

"He seemed down when I last saw him, but nothing compared to this," Zac sighs. The guilt I feel swells inside me like a tornado.

After a few minutes I'm nearly done making Patrick's bowl which consists of banana, oats, yogurt, strawberries and blueberries. I'm hoping that this'll boost his energy levels and his general health.

"What are you guys doing?"

We both turn around to see Patrick leaning up against the wall. Already now does he look that little bit better. The bags have faded drastically and he seems more alive.

I lift up the bowl of food I have in my hands whilst smiling. Patrick just blinks at me.

"Audrey..." He trails off.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now