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"It's been a pretty good day." He declares. I chuckle, as does Jack.

"It has." I reply before we walk into the warmth of our home.

(A couple days later)

I'm all prepped to head to the Carlton v Western Bulldogs game today, and I have a good feeling about it too.

I park at the ground with 20 minutes before game commencement. I quickly find my seat just as the boys run out. The crowd erupts in cheers as the Blues burst through the banner.

I find myself searching for Patrick, and it doesn't take long to find him either. It's been become a habit lately, and I'm not sure what to think of it.

The game ends up being one of comebacks, but we were just a slither away from winning unfortunately. We go down by 3 points to the Dogs. The feeling in the rooms won't be the best, but I go down anyway to support them.

As the security guard let's me in I can feel the disappointment circling. A lot of players are slumped against the wall, sipping from Gatorade bottles with little to no emotion on their faces. I spot my brother leaning against the wall talking to Caleb. A small smile forms on my face, but I stay put.

I don't really know what to do when the feeling in the rooms is so sombre. There's no joy, no excitement. I sigh, having a feeling that I should leave.

I turn around to leave when I'm stopped by a Carlton Guernsey right in front of my face. The scent of sweat mixed with deodorant and soil fills my nose. I peer up to Patrick standing there, slightly grinning although seeming quite nervous.

I didn't process that last time we saw each other it got totally awkward, resulting in us running away to our cars. Now I can feel my heartbeat accelerating, remembering what occurred days before.

Patrick is rubbing the back of his neck anxiously, while I'm chewing on my bottom lip. We both stand there, hesitant to say anything.

That's when I unexpectedly feel someone tap my shoulder. I spin on my feet and spot none other than Charlie Curnow standing there, a smirk plastered on his face. I mentally groan, recalling how flirty he was last time.

"Did you enjoy watching me kick all those goals Audrey? I reckon I was pretty unbelievable today. Unlucky we didn't get the win though." Charlie gloats.

I can feel the tension coming from Patrick beside me. He is fuming, slowly becoming a ticking time bomb. Charlie's attitude is giving me the shits too. And for some weird reason Patrick's anger is fuelling me, making me more frustrated.

"No need to bathe in your own glory Charlie. It's not like anyone would want to hear you talk yourself up anyway. We get you're good, but no one wants to hear you boast." I hold a smug smile on my face as Charlie's morphs in shock. He wasn't expecting me to say that.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Patrick staring at me wide eyed. He too didn't expect me to say something like that. I usually stay quiet, but Charlie's self-absorbed talk got on my nerves.

I'm sure Charlie is a decent guy, but the way he talks himself up, especially to me, makes me infuriated. He hasn't done anything other than flirt with me since I met him.

At least Patrick hasn't done that.

Charlie just watches me, surprise still written on his face. Seeing him so speechless makes me want to laugh out loud.

"As much as I'd like to stay and chat, I've got some business to attend to. Cheers for the chat Charlie", I cockily say.

I begin to walk off, grabbing Patrick's arm and dragging him along with me. I don't know where to go, but just anywhere away from Charlie. We stop in a corner on the other side of the room. I sigh, exasperated.

"Ugh! I'm already sick of him." I tug at my hair annoyed. When Patrick doesn't say anything I look up at him, but the thing is he's already admiring me.

"No girl has ever stood up to Charlie like that. Most girls just fall flat on their faces when he talks to them, but you gave him what he deserved." Patrick smiles at me.

"He had already tried his luck a couple days ago. This was just the final straw", I truthfully tell him. If he had walked up to me today and wanted to have an actual conversation and not gloat, then sure, I would've been fine with that. But nope, he tested me and now he's in this position where I don't really like him.

"Hey, um, I was w-wondering if tomorrow you'd like to go to the beach. I-I need to do some recovery, b-but the forecast says it'll be a nice day. So, uhhh, would you like to go?"

Him stuttering is actually hilarious. He's nervous that I'll decline the offer, but that hasn't even crossed my mind.

"Sure I'll go. As long as I don't have to do recovery with you." I smile over at him while he laughs. I notice him visibly relaxing.

"Don't worry, I won't make you. It's a personal choice."

"Okay, good. Where exactly would we go for it?" I ask.

"Urmmmm, maybe Brighton Beach at 9:30 if you're fine with that." In his eyes I can see the hope they hold. He really wants me to come.

I beam at him happily. "Definitely! All good on my part. Sounds like a plan Crippa."

He gives me a thumbs up. "Can't wait!"

I suddenly find myself yawning tiredly. It's obviously been a long day cheering for the boys.

"You tired?" Patrick's asks, a small smirk on his face.

"So tired."

"Okay, well I better not keep you any longer then." I nod, barely keeping my head up.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I smile at him, exhausted.

"See you the-" he cuts short. I stare at him confused, but only then do I hear the disturbing noises coming from behind me.

I turn around to see Caleb kissing the air.

"I looooove you Audrey. Can you pleaseeee go out with meeeee?!" Caleb says as he mimes kissing someone. The smooching sounds he's making causes me to scoff. I hear chuckles from behind, so I twist to see Patrick with a hand over his mouth as he tries to contain his laughter.

I narrow my eyes at both of them before snorting angrily and walking off. I take a direct route to my car.

As soon as I reach it I just sit inside.

Why was Caleb miming a kiss? Well, he is an idiot and is always shit stirring, but for some reason that whole kissing thing is getting to me. There was no inner meaning to it was there? Was he just making a joke or being serious to an extent? That I will never know.

I smile into my seat when I realise I'm seeing Patrick tomorrow.

There's personally no better way than to spend my day with him.
Really want to get this book moving along, so what better way to do it than release a new chapter!

You guys will love the next two chapters, that's all I'm saying! ;)

Hope you liked it, and Charlie, piss off mate.

Cheers all!

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