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I was surprised when about 3 days later Jack told me that himself, Sam Walsh, Charlie and I are flying over to Greece for over a week. It came an absolute shock to me, but I found it would also bring relief.

I'm not going to deny that I was shocked Charlie was coming along too. I didn't think Jack had much trust in him but maybe it's changed these past few weeks.

Caleb wasn't going to come as he'd already made plans with Teagan to go somewhere else. And because he wasn't coming Jack invited his teammate Walshy along.

I'm currently laying on a bed at the villa we're staying at. We've been here for almost 2 days and I'm absolutely exhausted after the day we had. I can barely keep my eyes open.

Obviously each of us are staying in separate rooms so I don't except any company anytime soon. So with that last thought I fall into a somewhat peaceful sleep.


I wake up from a long lasting sleep. I rub my eyes tiredly while I notice the stunning blue skies outside the window. The blue is so beautiful and crystal like. It reminds me of someone.


I grit my teeth at the thought. The tears sting my eyes relentlessly but I push the temptation down before it takes over. I rush to the bathroom and wipe my face clean of the pain so the boys won't question me.

I change into some different clothes and exit my room quietly. I can tell everyone is awake because all bedroom doors are open along the hallway and I hear chatter coming from outside.

I see the boys are taking advantage of where we're staying. Charlie is in the pool, Jack has his feet dangling in the water and Sam is soaking up the sun with these ridiculous sunnies on.

"Look who's decided to join us." Jack makes fun of me. I stare at him unenthusiastically and then begin to approach Sam to sit on the seat beside him. At least that's what my brother thinks I'm doing.

In one quick action I shove his shoulders which causes him to topple over and into the water. I immediately burst out laughing and move away from the pool edge. Charlie and Sam are laughing too.

Jack surfaces, his hair now sticking to the sides of his face. He scowls at me, but it soon morphs into a sinister smirk.

"You asked for it." He warns before bursting through the water, past Charlie, and towards the steps to get out.

Oh no, I'm fucked.

I turn on the spot and begin running for my life away from him. Jack is nearly a good head taller than me, and he is a professional athlete at that.

I can hear water splashing so I assume that he just got out of the pool, but the loud footsteps behind me are also telling.

I'm being chased and I know it won't end well if I'm caught by my brother. Who even knows what he'll do. This is when I wish Caleb was here. I also wish Charlie or Sam would help me.

I don't really care where I'm running, I'm just going wherever my feet take me. And that's away from Jack. I can still hear him coming after me.

The air is taken out of me when I'm collided with from behind and hoisted into the air. I can feel the back of my clothes being drenched thanks to my brother who just came out of the pool.

"Let go of me!" I howl, throwing my body around in his arms hoping to break free. He has a strong grip around my stomach while pretty much carrying me back to the pool. All he does is laugh at me.

"This is why you don't mess with your older brother." He smirks. Only then do I see where I am.

I'm right on the edge of the pool as Jack is pretty much the only thing stopping me from falling in.

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