twenty five

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Finally relief has come. It's about time that I don't have to worry about Sarah in my life anymore. I didn't think it was possible for her to turn up again.

And I hope she never does.

It's been over a week since the kiss, but my mind still wanders back to it daily. It was incredible. No words can fully express how magical it was.

Patrick and I have been fine, but we haven't acknowledged the kiss or have gotten anywhere close to repeating it. We've acted as though nothing happened between us.

It's kind of upsetting knowing that we shared such a special moment and both of us refuse to say anything about it. I guess the best we can do is be ourselves.

I'm currently driving home from a day out at the city with Leah.

We spoke about Jack and I's progress of becoming closer again, the kiss; which she went absolutely crazy about, Caleb's bizarre behaviour and Sarah. It was just stuff she needed to be caught up on.

As I pull into the driveway absolutely exhausted I notice a familiar Hyundai parked on the curb. I can't help but beam when my car halts to a stop.

I wonder what Patrick is doing here? He doesn't stop by too often as I usually head to his place or the club. I shrug it off, locking my car and walking inside the house.

I hear chatter, quiet chatter, while I walk down the hall tiredly. I pause at the corner. I realise Patrick and Jack are seated on the couch, intently listening to Caleb speaking.

I don't think they know I'm home, so I stand unmoving against the wall, letting Caleb's words flow through my ears.

"I don't know what to do. Falling for Teagan is making me second guess everything. I'm questioning what I thought I knew, what I told myself not to do. I don't want to be snapped in half again though. Is it worth the risk to like someone again?" Caleb sighs.

What? Fall for Teagan? Who's Teagan?

"I can't say too much as you know what happened with Sarah and I, but it doesn't mean that every relationship is bound to be a disaster. I mean, look at Audrey and Patrick."

My brother chuckles at Patrick and how his mouth is gaped open. He was going to say something to rebut, but he's got nothing.

I want to say something to Jack from here, but I'm too drained. I'm barely able to stand up at this point.

"How would Audrey feel about this though? She knows what happened to me and I'm sure she'd be pretty protective about it. She hasn't met Teagan yet, and when she met Sarah she knew what her scheme was from the start. What if she doesn't approve? What if Teagan is hiding so-" Caleb's blabbering is cut short.

"Caleb, it'll be fine. I'm sure Teagan is the right person for you. If you think that then follow that thought and see where it takes you. We'll support you until the end. If it ends, and I'm not saying it will, Jack, Audrey and I will be there for you. Okay mate?" Patrick finally speaks, comforting Caleb's racing mind.

"Thanks guys, really appreciate it." Caleb claps the boys' shoulders.

I smile weakly at what Patrick said as my eyes become heavy and sagging. I'm slowly slipping forward, sliding off the wall. I'm not able to comprehend my body releasing from the wall that keeps me upright, so I just fall forward, not able to control myself.

I slam against the wooden floor, groaning loudly from the impact. The sound of my collision was obviously really attention drawing as I hear footfalls near my knackered frame.

I hear light chuckles from above as my cheek is pressed hard against the floor. I don't see the idiots, but I know they're there. I groan again, sore and exasperated.

"I think she wants to be picked up." My idiot of a brother sniggers. I want to hit him for that comment, but I'm barely able to move.

"No shit." Patrick deadpans as Caleb begins to piss himself.

"Wait!" Caleb yells. I groan again from the noise.

"What idiot?" Patrick questions, annoyed.

"Let me take a photo." I hear a slapping sound and then a light groan. I think Patrick face palmed.

It's quiet for a few moments before Caleb chuckles. He obviously took the photo and is laughing at my humiliation.

"So inconsiderate Caleb." Jack snorts. Caleb just lightly laughs. "She does look very comfortable though, so maybe we should leave her there." Jack adds.

I grunt angrily before adrenaline feeds power to my legs, leading me to launch one foot into Jack's shin.

I hear my brother yelp and back up, cursing under his breath at me.

"She doesn't seem very happy." Caleb snickers.

"No bloody shit you halfwit." My brother snaps, obviously not too pleased with being kicked. It's his fault though.

The floor is cold and very uncomfortable. It's becoming unbearable. Can someone pick me up already?

As if answering my unasked question I feel arms slide beneath my body before they hoist me up with ease.

I'm enveloped by warmth, falling against a strong chest. I cuddle myself closer, seeking refuge.

"As soon as you put her upstairs you are to come straight back down. I don't want anymore kisses shared between the two of you." Caleb demands. I feel Patrick shrug.

"WHAT?!" My brother howls. I flinch from how loud he shrieked. I borrow my head deeper into Patrick's chest as he holds me.

"What do you mean by 'I don't want anymore kisses shared between you two'?!" He emphasises the 'anymore'.

"Wellllll, uhhhh, Patrick and Audrey may have shared their first kiss at some point." Caleb announces cautiously. The air becomes thick and silent for a few moments.

"When was this?!" Jack asks urgently.

"Uhhh, over a week ago I think." Caleb responds.

I can picture my brother staring daggers at Patrick, his lip slightly twitching in annoyance as his hair shivers whilst shaking. I laugh mentally in my head.

I expect Patrick to be pinned against a wall, but my brother is probably too scared to step any closer because of me. Instead I hear an outtake of air.

"We'll talk about this once she's in bed." He breaths out through clenched teeth.

He is way too protective.

Patrick begins to move, reaching the stairs and strolling up them as if he isn't carrying me. His arms hold me close, protecting me from the cold.

He places me down gently on my bed before pulling the covers over me. I reach for him unconsciously, yearning for his touch.

"Shhhh, it's alright." He whispers, grasping my hand in his. I settle down.

He stays for a couple minutes before leaning forward and kissing my forehead softly but lovingly. He holds his lips against my head for a few seconds before moving away.

Just before he lets go of my hand he says one more thing. I want to question him about it but I'm already fading into darkness.

"I have something to ask you, but it can wait."

Another filler chapter, but something comes into play in the next one😉

As I said in the announcement, from now on I'll be posting every Saturday as school is back. There will be surprise chapters here and there.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!


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