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My smile doesn't leave as I head to the car. I just sit inside, thinking about what will go down with seeing my brother and Patrick.

But I know that nothing can ruin my mood, especially when I'm seeing the person who makes me feel complete.

The journey to the club was relatively fast, and I'm certainly glad it was. My knee kept bouncing up and down during the trip and my heart was thumping against my chest.

As I exit the car, along with Caleb, my legs feel like jelly. I'm barely able to stand upright they're that weak. Some how I make my way inside the facility, sweat accumulating in my palms.

As we enter I'm drawn to chatter on my right. My heart stops as my eyes land on Jack and the 'Sarah' girl that I slapped the night before.

Jack is doing an interview, speaking into microphones. Sarah however has her hand placed on his shoulder, pressing close to my brother. My jaw clenches as I watch the girl act all touchy with him.

It looks as though she's trying to get attention from the camera. I also notice how she's constantly interrupting him. Not to mention she did a terrible job of cleaning up my handy work. That's when I figure out exactly what her little scheme is.

It wasn't hard to conclude what it was, but I've pieced it all together now.

The only reason she's dating my brother is for fame. She doesn't care about feelings towards him, but only the name my brother has for himself as an AFL Footballer. She couldn't care less if he likes her, she just wants to use him to get herself out there.

I don't realise that I'm shaking until Caleb taps my shoulder. I turn around with an angered expression on my face.

"You okay Aud- who's that?" Caleb stops mid sentence, realising where my unexpected anger is coming from.

"I walked in on that bitch and Jack kissing last night. I slapped her and Jack cracked it at me. The way he faced me was with nothing but hatred for what I did, that's why I got emotional when you mentioned his name. But it turns out that girl is only dating my brother for fame. It didn't take me long to figure it out", I hiss.

I notice Caleb's eyes narrow, a frustrated frown on his face. He doesn't look happy either, realising exactly what I told him.

"When did this happen?" He turns to me.

"Just before you left I'd assume. It was unlike him not to go with you to Noosa in the first place." Caleb nods, turning back to the two.

"I'll talk to him, see if I convince him."

I sigh, releasing an outtake of air, frustrated.

"Good luck. I'm going to find Patrick." I tell Caleb. He nods, still observing Jack and Sarah.

I feel the need to see him. I'm at breaking point, I can feel it. It's been a harsh day with all these different emotions. I'm just about at my limit.

I go outside, searching for the one who I didn't understand how much I really needed him until now. Unfortunately I don't spot him.

I lurk around the facility, looking at the gym, meeting areas and even the locker room, but once again I'm disappointed when I don't find him anywhere.

I sigh, dragging my feet along the floor emotionlessly. The hope of finding Patrick is almost all gone. I don't see where else he could possibly be.

I carry my weight to the door leading outside once again, needing fresh air desperately. As soon as I open it and make my way through. I stop on the spot.

UNDER EDITING-Something New || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now