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My mind races as I comprehend who's name is on the screen in front of me.

Patrick Cripps
1 new voicemail received.

Isn't it ironic that we were just talking about him and he sends a voicemail.

A voicemail.

Anything can be in a voicemail. Legit anything.

My phone automatically turns off, but I continue to stare at it blankly. I'm shaken out of thoughts when Leah speaks up.

"You alright Auds? Who was the message from?" I peer up at her slowly, still in disbelief.

"It-it's Patrick."

"What?! What did he say?!" She asks eagerly.

"H-he didn't say anything. It's a voicemail." I stutter, a new feeling of queasiness erupts in my stomach. The temptation to listen to it is soaring high, but I can't put myself to do it.

"How do you feel about listening to it?" Leah can see the hesitation I have towards doing so, but she knows that if I don't open it with her I won't open it at all.

I sigh nervously. "I'll do it, but I'm not entirely sure what he'll say."

"I guess we'll find out." Leah wears an encouraging smile on her face as I unlock my phone and click on the message. I hesitate before pressing play.

'Uh, hey Audrey. I'm aware that you probably want nothing to do with me, and I don't blame you for it. To be quite frank I deserve it. I was an asshole. I acted out and hurt you when I least expected it; you didn't deserve that. I've been kicking myself every time I recall the events that happened yesterday. The image of you on the verge of tears has been haunting me, and what hurts the most is I caused you that pain. I know my words are probably ineffective, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for acting so childish and taking my anger out on you. I care about you Audrey, and hurting you has definitely taken a toll on me since. If you don't forgive me I understand, but please, please, tell me you're okay. I'm sorry again Auds. For everything."

The audio ends, silence drifting over Leah and I. I don't realise how emotional I am until I wipe away a stray tear. The voicemail has really hit home for some reason. But I know for a fact that I'm grateful for hearing it. I wanted to hear him apologise. It's all I needed.

"How do you feel?" Leah cautiously asks, unsure of my reaction.

How do I feel?

Personally I feel relieved. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Hearing him, and knowing he made the effort to apologise in some way other than texting, made me happy.

"I feel great. I feel free of worry. Just to hear him apologise was all he needed to be forgiven. I'm not sure why it was that easy, but I guess I can't stay mad at him for too long."

"I totally ship it, oh my god!" Leah squeals, totally fangirling out.

"You ship it?" I question her, eyebrows raised.

"Yes! Craudrey is end game!"

"Craudrey?!" I choke out. She can't be serious. Patrick and I have only met 3 times and she's already fantasising about us. She's insane.

"Come on! It suits and you know you like it! Thinking about you two together is actually adorable!"

"No! No I don't like it! You and your fantasies." I roll my eyes at her, scoffing.

"But honestly, what are you doing to do now? He's apologised, but how are you going to approach this?" Leah turns serious.

"I'll either text him or call him tonight once I get back. Speaking of which I should probably do. I guarantee Jack is wondering what's taking me so long."

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