thirty five

673 15 95

Heavy exhaustion weighs them down and into darkness.

I release a sigh of relief before rest finally finds my mind and body while in the arms of Charlie Curnow.

I had woken up surprisingly happy and alive this morning. That sleep really made me feel better again. It was weird and certainly uncalled though.

I most definitely remember falling asleep in the arms of Charlie Curnow, and it scares me how easily it happened. It shouldn't have happened, but it did somehow.

Obviously Caleb or my brother brought me up to my bed and got Charlie to leave at some point.

Today the Carlton Best and Fairest is on, and for some reason I want to go. I'm no where near the stages of talking to him but I need to face my fears and go. I need to go for my brother, Caleb, Zac and maybe even Charlie.

I make myself look presentable before going downstairs and finding Jack. He's preparing something to eat when I walk up to him. I tap his shoulder. He turns to face me.

"Uh, so I've decided I'll take your invite to the B&F." I tell him somewhat cautiously. He stares at me shocked for a split second, but snaps out of it quickly.

"Oh, okay. If you say so. It starts at 7:30 so we'll leave here at 6." He responds enthusiastically.

"Is Auds coming?!" Caleb screams like a little child when he comes from behind the corner. I chuckle.

"Yes, I am." I respond excitedly.

"YAY! I'm so glad I don't have to deal with all the boys by myself!" He celebrates. I laugh out loud before preparing my own breakfast.


The day passes by quickly and before I know it 5pm comes around.

As I've said before I'm not much of a dress person, but for this occasion it's an exception. I get changed into a plain black dress. It's nothing fancy but it's just meant to look nice.

I also put on some lipgloss and curl my hair the slightest bit so it falls in waves over my shoulders. I don't do much more than that because this all just isn't me.

Once I'm finished I scope out Caleb and Jack in the living room. They have their backs faced to me but I can tell they're in suits. I chuckle. It's so weird seeing them look formal. They turn around.

"Nawww! Look at you two!" I stir.

"Shut up Audrey. Look at yourself, you never wear dresses." Jack and Caleb laugh at me. I frown.

"At least I know how to look good." I mock my brother as I adjust his tie.

"And you," I face Caleb smirking, "you need to learn how to comb your hair properly." I snigger as run a hand through his hair, brushing it back. They both say nothing.

"Well are we gonna go?" I ask.

"Yep." Caleb responds.

We get in the car before driving to Crown for the event.

My nerves begin to go haywire. I really start to question whether I can take seeing him again and this soon.

What if this is a bad decision? What happens if my emotions- my heartbreak, get the better of me? I just gotta hope that I'll stay under the radar enough that I'm not detected.

When we arrive there are cameras all over the place. A red carpet is laid neatly on the floor leading into the building. I spot familiar faces in Ed Curnow, Sam Walsh, Nic Newman and Matthew Kennedy but I don't see him.

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