Chapter 3 (Revealing The Truth)

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A few days passed since Luna discovered about that sign in her dream, she spent a lot of time and labor trying to remember anything from her past but all of it was in vain, Yunan kept telling her that maybe by the time she could remember, so she quit trying and instead of that, she started reading different books, trying to know as much as she could about this world, Yunan was always supplying her with any book that he thought it could be useful, but he wouldn't let her inside that room, telling her that it's too messy and he felt embarrassed to let her see it.

Lots of things were interesting for Luna to learn about, the great countries and their history, the famous royal families, the world-famous wonders, adventurers and their discoveries, she also had a special interest for medicine, she spent hours reading a medical book that talked about different types of herbs, their appearance, usage and where to find them.

Her mind was also captured by that strange island surrounded by great walls in the west, one day she asked Yunan about it, he told her that all what the people know is that the king of that island had built three walls around his land to protect his people from the outside world, they say that he hides special powers that could destroy great cities and states if anyone tries to harm them.

"I feel sorry for them, they spend their lives as if they were birds trapped in a cage" she said with a sad tone

"This world is full of secrets Luna dear, even if you spent all your life trying to know everything about it, you'll end up as if you knew nothing" he replied with the same sad voice

Few days later..

"Yunan-san, may you go to the forest with me? I'd like to search for some herbs and study them.." she asked shyly

"Yes, of course, I will.." he replied with a wide smile

She wore a hood that Yunan gave for her and they went together ,she noticed a strange-shaped wooden stick in Yunan's hand, it looked like a fishing rod,with wires running along it forming loops at intervals, it had a white feather at the top and is pointed like a spear at the bottom.

 "Oh, I thought it might help us in our journey" he said, she looked skeptical but nodded with her head silently , and soon she forgot about it as she saw the usual mesmerizing views of that forest, they kept wandering for a couple of hours and sh...

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"Oh, I thought it might help us in our journey" he said, she looked skeptical but nodded with her head silently , and soon she forgot about it as she saw the usual mesmerizing views of that forest, they kept wandering for a couple of hours and she collected a pretty good amount of herbs.

As they were returning back home, she saw a group of eye-catching flowers, sprouted on a cliff, she had a strong urge to go and get some.

"It's dangerous Luna, you might hurt yourself" Yunan said worriedly

"It's fine don't worry, I believe that cliff will bear my weight" she chuckled

She went closer to the cliff and started collecting the flowers; she grabbed a few of them and turned to Yunan who was watching her carefully, as she was taking her steps to get back her feet slipped...

"Whoa! "She shouted

"Luna!!" , Yunan yelled as he rushed to her, but she was already falling down from the cliff.

She closed her eyes with panic feeling the cold air slapping her face but suddenly, she felt nothing, as if the time stopped, she opened her eyes and her panic didn't fade, it increased! She was surrounded by a spherical barrier, flying.

A few moments later, she found herself near the cliff with Yunan standing in front of her.

She remained silent from the shock.

"Are you ok ?" Yunan asked worriedly and he went close to her

"Just.. tell me.. What.. what was that?" she asked with panic

he remained silent and didn't answer at the first time

"Yunan-san, please tell me.. who are you?" she asked with that look in her eyes begging for an answer

He sighed giving a light smile and opened his mouth to talk at last

"Listen Luna, I really apologize for hiding the truth, but I believed sooner or later I was going to tell you, first of all, let's go home and I'll tell you everything there"

She nodded with her head , her face was still looking shocked, she remained silent for the rest of the way, she noticed that stick in his hand again and believed he used it to save her, to create that flying ball that carried her.

At home, they sat down in the dining room, and he started to talk as she listened carefully.

"As I told you before Luna, this world is full of secrets and strange things, one of those things is the existence of magicians, and the variation of their roles, I'm one of them, a magician, my role in this world is being a "Magi", Magi's are charged to choose special people and make them Kings, each strong kingdom or empire has one, we also help in ruling the countries" he stopped for moments while she was looking at his face as if she was trying to observe each word that was coming from his mouth

He continued "I chose my king, long time ago, King Sindbad; I believed he was going to be a good ruler, he established his own kingdom and he was really a great king, but after some time, I felt something wrong with him, his intentions began to change and I began to disagree with his ideas but couldn't make anything that time, so I just left him and chose to live here and watch the world carefully, there are so many problems in this world -my dear- and it really need to be solved.. " he said with a gloomy face

"But.. why wouldn't you tell me that earlier?" she said sadly

"I was examining you.." he said with a serious look

"What! Examining me?? and why would - " she was interrupted

"Look, Luna, you need to listen to me carefully, and please do not panic" he said while holding her shoulders strongly

"That dream of yours, and you being here with me, it's not a coincidence, I felt a strange presence in the air, the day you've arrived here, that dragon dream, I found an answer for it, whoever was the one who sent you here, they sent you to play a big role in this world, that Kouka kingdom, I'm sure someone there will be needing you sooner or later to save their future, and I have an idea about that, there is a lost princess in that kingdom, and I have a strong feeling that she is the one who's needing you, I didn't tell you from the beginning because I wanted to watch you carefully, to observe your real personality and mind, without being burdened with anything" he said with a sparkle in his eyes

"I.. I just don't know what to tell you, how am I supposed to help her? I know nothing about this world." she was so confused

"Yes, you know nothing and that's why I'm here with you, to help you and be your mentor until you fulfill your mission, I'll teach you as much as I can about this world, and I believe you need to learn magic, this is the only way you can teleport from this place and help the ones who need you in Kouka and everywhere else"

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