Chapter 25 (You took something...)

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"Jae-ha..." She was shocked... "What... what are you doing here?"

"May I ask you the same question...? even if the answer is obvious already... from the hood you're wearing.. and the bag you're carrying... Ali Baba-Kun is not in his room either..." he said with deeply serious voice.

She looked down sadly... knowing that it was pointless to lie on him... especially him...

"I... I mean we.. are leaving..." She said ..

"Where...?" he asked

"We are heading back... to my Master..." She answered

"Why...?" he narrowed his eyes at her..

"I... can't tell you... I'm sorry.." She raised her face and looked at him with sorrowful eyes...

He sighed.... "You.. didn't even tell anyone of us..." he said downheartedly

"I...didn't want to involve you with my own problems... or to make you worried about-"

"And you think going away at sudden won't make us worried?!!" he interrupted her with an enraged voice holding her arms strongly...

"Stop it.. this hurts" she said with a low painful voice but he was too furious to hear

"Haven't you thought about Yona's feeling if she woke up and didn't find you.. you thought she will forget about you easily and continue her life??!" he continued while she remained silent looking down..

"She's already considered you as a friend.. she hasn't stopped talking about you since last night...! Come on...! tell me..! are you okay with it...?!Leaving her.. and all of us like this..? Without saying anything..." he asked angrily, she lifted her face up to him when he stopped at last... looking at her tearful eyes...

"You think I'm happy with that?!" She answered finally

"You think I really want to go..?! this fast..? I haven't got much time with you... I've already got attached by you... your gathering... as if I was among my family... I felt warm between you... I forgot all my burdens... my blue thoughts and my weakness... and yet... I'm leaving all of this behind to face a new obstacle in my life...." She said with a strangled voice while tears started to fall off her blue eyes...

He looked at her with wide stunned eyes...

"I really don't want to... go... but Yunan needs me... his voice keeps calling for me... I must go..." She said in a low voice...

Then she covered her face and continued to cry painfully....

Then she suddenly felt his hand grabbing her into his chest... giving her a deep hug...

"You' warm... as usual..." he whispered...

Her face was shocked at the beginning... then... she stopped crying... and closed her eyes... giving up to him...and to that same warm feeling she had that night before...

"His scent... it's so nice" she smiled...

She moved her body away after a short while... and gave him a soft glance...

"I'm sorry... I should have told you before..." she said..

"No.." he nodded... "It's okay... I'm sorry too... for getting angry at you.. after all what you have done to me... and I'm sorry... for endangering your health..." His heart was full of guilt...

"What..? No..-" She was silenced by his fingers on her lips..

"I know... I heard you today... little did I know.. that healing me was taking your strength away... I'm sorry..." He looked down and removed his hand from her mouth... while she kept staring at him with wide eyes...

"It's.. okay... I'm fine now.. it's not your fault... I chose to do that..." she answered giving him a relieving smile...

"This face... it's so alleviating.." he thought..

"Well, I should go now... Ali Baba is waiting for me.." she turned her face away..

"Luna...." he said with a serious voice...


"I...." he stopped for a moment

"Yes..??" she replied with questioning eyes..

"I.... will tell Yona and the others when you're gone so don't worry.." he said with a confounded tone avoiding her looks

"Thank you..." she smiled... "Well then... Goodb-"

"Promise me... that you'll come back.. again.. please... " he said with broken looks...

She looked down... "I promise.. I'll come back.." she answered...

"Jae-ha..." she stared at him for a moment...


"Please.. take care... of yourself.. and the princess... be safe.. all of you.. and don't get yourselves in troubles again" she looked at him worriedly

He smiled at her... and pated on her head...

"I will..."

She took the wand... and walked away... carrying all their memories with her....

He remained watching her as she was leaving... till she disappeared from his sights...

He released a deeply disappointed sigh... and went back...

"Hey... Ryokuryu.." said Zeno - who was sitting outside their room - with a warm smile...

"Zeno... you're awake.." said Jae-ha with a surprised look...

"Well.. yes.. I thought Ryokuryu Ni-Chan would need some company.. this night" he chuckled...

"Oh... yes I think I do...." he gave him a faint smile

He sat next to his older brother... but his mind was in a different place...

"So... they've left already.. right..?" Zeno said as his smile faded..

"Then... you saw them too" Jae-ha replied with a shade of sadness

"I did.." he said looking at the sky... "and that's why I'm here.." he continued..

Jae-ha looked at him.. not sure of what did he mean...

"You liked her... that young Miss.. didn't you?" Zeno asked with a slight smile

His eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat by his brother's question... he looked down trying to hide his troubled blushing face...

"I.... I don't know what you are talking about..." he stuttered, and continued to avoid his looks..

"Ha.. Ha.. come on.. you can't lie on your older brother" Zeno laughed patting on his back

"Older brother.. huh..?" Jae-ha looked at Zeno... "You're a grandpa" he smirked

"And grandpa can notice lots of things you know..." Zeno smiled confidently

Jae-ha remained silent for some moments...

"I don't know..." he said sadly... "but I feel that I have lost something precious ... besides... my chest is aching since yesterday and it's very annoying... this is.... not beautiful... at all" he looked down with gloomy eyes...

"You really... have fallen... for that young girl... Ryokuryu..." Zeno thought, and released a deep sigh..

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