Chapter 36 (Same Features)

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Feeling a glimmer warm upon his face, his eyes twitched from the light, he opened them slowly.. looking at the roof.. then he moved his eyes to the window beside the bed he was laying in, the sunlight was penetrating that window, reaching his body and face..

Finally, he took a look on the other side to see someone familiar, laying their upper body on the edge of the bed...

"Hange..." He whispered looking at her sleepy face..

His hand moved slowly trying to wake her up..

Her eyes fluttered before being opened..

"LEVI..!" She yelled getting up as fast as she could

"Are you okay..? How do you feel..? Tell ME..!!" She questioned at once reaching his face trying to examine him..

He didn't answer at first.. looking at himself, he was wrapped in bandages, he felt dizzy, and started to feel the pain gradually, in his body..

"I.. don't know.. but I'm alive, in some way or another.." he responded

"Tell me what happened..? Where are we..? What is this place..?" He continued trying to get up from his sleeping pose but he felt a sudden severe pain in his chest that prevented him from getting up..

"Don't move at a sudden, you haven't recovered yet..!" She stated with worry..

He didn't reply.. giving her questioning looks, waiting for her answers..

"I don't know how to start with this.." she sighed..

"I was searching for you and Zeke when I heard a sudden explosion sound, and when I rushed to its place I found you laying on the grass drenched in blood..." She started to tell him the story..

She told him about how Yunan saved them and transported them to this place...

"So.. you're just saying that we are in a mere house, with some strange people with strange powers, too far away from our land..?!" His eyes narrowed at her with confusion and irritation..

"Yes.." She answered briefly

"How long have I been sleeping..?" He asked.. turning his looks at the roof

"Four days.." She stated..

"Tch.." He cursed as he placed his palm on his face..

"Hange... we need to go back.. that bloody bearded man is going to complete his plan along with Eren.."

"I already know what is going to happen.. I was watching them in those past days" she replied with a serious tone..

He looked at her with confusion..

"Eren and those soldiers who followed him are already locking up our scouts, Pixis and his men, along with the Military police, all of them happened to drink Zeke's spinal's liquid that was blended with the Wine, he can transform them into Titans whenever he wants.."  she told..

"Anyways, for some reason, they haven't met each other yet, Zeke and Eren, maybe they are waiting for Marley to strike, so that they could start another war with them.. or to fulfill their unknown plan whatever it was.." She continued..

"And..? What are you planning to do..? Sit here in peace and wait for them to meet and create another disaster..?" He glared at her with anger..

"No.." She answered simply..

"I already have a plan, but I need to study it more, however.. with this condition of yours, you'll stay here and recover well, I'll deal with them myself" She said with determination..

Levi was about to complain when they heard a sudden voice..

"Hey... are you awake..?"

He turned his face from Hange to the direction of that sound.. to see a young girl coming inside the room, smiling at him cheerfully..

His eyes widened...

"Wait.. this girl.. I've seen her before.. in that dream.. how.. how come..? She has the same features as you... Mother.." He drowned in those thoughts...

A.N / Sorry for the short chapter, I'll update the next one soon..

please write me your opinions, I don't know your impressions about the latest chapters yet..

I'd be pleased if you did.. and hope you enjoy it so far :)

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