Chapter 52 ( In my dream we met again )

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Somewhere in deep darkness.. our girl was laying alone...

" Where am I..? I remember hearing Yunan's voice, he was calling for me... but, it disappeared, where am I anyway..? it's too dark, I can't see anything..... I'm sure I made it and returned back to Yunan's house... but how did I get here..?"

" Hey..! is there anyone who could hear me..?! Yunan-San..! Aladdin-Kun..! Hange-San...! Levi..!!! anyone...!! please...!!" she called, waiting desperately for an answer

" Wait.. am I even alive..? after all what happened.. I feel nothing, I can't even move any part of me.."

Time was passing slowly.. and darkness was overwhelming the place, leading the poor girl to suffocation...

" Oh.. looks like I really have died..."

"..... after all, I failed in returning back to Yunan-San... and I couldn't fulfill my promise and meet princess Yona and the Dragons again......"

" .... at least, I hope that Eldians will be free now.... however, I feel bad for Levi... our last memory was a fool argument... I should've spoken to him before I left..."

  Another long minute passed slowly...

" I really wanted to see your face again.... Jae-ha.." she uttered his name weakly.. then closed her eyes.. giving up to the overwhelming darkness..

After an unknown period of time, she felt a soft breeze touching her face, and heard sounds of birds and trees rustle... there was also a trace of light, she could feel it behind her closed eyes...

Her eyes twitched, then she opened them slowly and found herself laying on the grass under a large tree, sunlight was penetrating through the large branches..

" Wh.. where am I..? this forest.. it looks familiar, but it's not the same forest around Yunan's house.. and-  Ooh..! my head! what's this horrible pain..?!!"

She slowly tried to get up, suddenly she felt something small standing by her, she turned her face and her eyes widened..

" a squirrel..?!"

" You look just like Ao..." she said with a faint smile..

" But no way.. you can't be her.. there are thousands of squirrels everywhere and they all look the same..."

" Pukyuuu..!!!" a cute voice was released from the little animal

" But even though.. looking at you is so alleviating... it brings back warm memories..."

She brought her hand closer, trying to touch that little furry creature, but it ran away fast and disappeared into the woods..

" How fool of me.. trying to touch it, sure it will escape.."

She lifted her upper body slowly and leaned on the tree..

" I should discover this place and find where I am, but it can't be helped... with my current situation, I don't even have enough strength to call for Yunan-San through the Rukh.. This is hopeless..."

She closed her eyes again, but remained awake...

Minutes later, she felt a presence coming close..

" Pukyuuu..!!"

" Wait..! Ao-Chan..! don't run fast... what are you trying to show me..?!" someone said while they was walking towards Luna's place.

" This voice.. it's familiar...! this can't be real..!" She opened her eyes slowly to see him standing in front of her...

" J...Jae-ha..."

" Luna.... is this really you..?!"

" What's going on...? is this even real..? and what's... what's wrong with me..? I can't hear my voice anymore...!" she thought while her heart was pounding fast..

He got on his knees close to her....

" Hey... what are you doing here alone..? How long have you been laying here..? are you alright..?" he asked with a soft worried voice..

At that moment, her face turned extremely red as tears were filling her blue eyes..

" Jae-Ha...!" she exclaimed with a crying voice, and started to cry hard..

" I ... I was scared...! every... thing was dark..! I thought I died, I thought I'd never be able to see your face again...!" she spoke hardly while she was sobbing..

" Hushh.. it's okay my dear... you're not dead.. I'm here... and I won't let you go again... calm down Luna..."

He grabbed her close to him and wrapped his arms around her small shaking body...

" There.. there... it's alright... there's nothing to be afraid of, even if this whole world collapsed, I'll hide you here, close to my heart, and never let go of you..." he whispered near her ear... then patted gently on her head as she started to calm down...

She lifted up her face and looked at his soft blue eyes and so he did..

He gazed at her face, placed a warm soft kiss under her eyes, on the trace of her tears..

" What are you doing..?" she chuckled softly

" Nothing, just kissing those evil tears away.." he smiled

" Jae-ha..."

" Yes, my precious girl.."

" I missed you.... I'm sorry for leaving you behind, I will never leave your side again..."

" and I missed you.... so damn much Luna..!"

He tightened his arms around her...

" I missed this scent... I awfully missed it.. your nice scent, your soft gentle voice... though, I'm too embarrassed to confess.. for I know how much you will tease me and make fun of my words..." she smiled

" After all, silence is the best thing to do at this moment.." she sighed with relief and closed her eyes..

After some minuets

" Do you feel better now..?"

" Yes.. somehow.."

" Then.. let me take you to Yona-Chan and the others.."

" Umm.." She nodded silently..

He stood up and gave her a helping hand to stand..

She hardly got up, and tried to walk few steps but she ended up tripping, he held  her from behind at the moment she was about to fall over..

" Sorry.. my legs are still too weak to carry me.." she said with embarrassment

" Then, I have no choice.." he replied

" Ahh..!" she yelled, and in the next moment, she was carried in a bridal way by the green dragon..

" I'll walk you there..." he said with a warm smile..

She leaned her head onto his chest, and closed her eyes.. surrendering to  a warm and peaceful feeling ...

She felt nothing after that.. as if she was drowning into deep sleep again...


" This scent.. and the feeling of this soft sheet I know them.."

She opened her eyes to find herself under a familiar roof ...

It was the early morning, and she was in her room, over her bed.. in Yunan's warm house...

" So... that was just a dream..." she thought..

She turned her face and saw someone sitting on the ground next to her and laying their head on the tip of her bed...

" Levi...." She whispered

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