Chapter 50 (I traveled 2000 years to you)

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" Luna, you're strong, you're brave.. never lose hope.. trust yourself and fight, fight Luna..!" She heard Yunan's voice in that darkness...

She opened her eyes by a sudden scream of the man who held the young boy as a hostage...

He was hit by a thick stick from behind and released the young boy who rushed as fast as he could to his mother...

" DO IT NOW! MISS LUNA..!!" cried Ymir, who was the one who hit that man..

Luna looked at her with shock..!

" I told you to stay safe..!" She mumbled under her breath..

" How dare you! you little wretch..!" the man stood and grabbed Ymir from her collar, the way she was struggling to breath, then threw her away to bump into a house wall...

She lifted her upper body hardly and looked at the people who were staring at her:

" We... we were born free and we deserve to live free, we are humans, not slaves, fight... Eldians... you must fight for your freedom.." She said weakly, as the blood started to flow from her forehead..

" PLEASE MISS..!! END OUR NIGHTMARE..!!" she shouted with all the strength left to her, then she fell unconscious..

Luna looked at the little girl with lifeless eyes...

Suddenly, everyone felt a terrifying presence in the air...

The two men who held Luna were blown away by the power of her wind...

She took her sword again and looked at their leader with rage..

He as well pulled out his sword..

" Fine, so you want it to end like this.." she thought..

She walked towards him slowly, and Fritz was staring at her with fear..

He was shaking like a thin bush in front of a crazy wind storm..

She attacked him with all the feelings she carried.. Pain, rage, sadness, determination, and with a strong feeling to save Ymir and people of Eldia...

Fritz was struggling to fight back, and it didn't take a long while for her to send his blade to fly in the air...

" And you call yourself a leader, you're nothing compared to Levi.." She murmured..

Suddenly, the wind got stronger, and no one was able to see what was happening anymore...

After long minutes, everything started to get clear again..

Fritz was just a collapsed body, with a glacial sword settling in his throat ..

" He's dead..!"

" Master Fritz is dead..!"

All people started to yell and huge chaos spread all over the area..

Luna didn't waste any other moment and rushed between the people, forgetting her pain and injuries.. all that left in her mind was the young collapsed girl under that far house wall..

" Ymir..!!" she cried once she reached her..

" Ymir, please wake up..!" she called again desperately, looking at the girl's head which was bleeding.....

" Her head must have been hit by the wall..! she needs medical treatment, no, I don't have much time, she could die at any moment.. I must use my healing powers.." Luna drowned in thoughts

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